After work, I drive straight to Becs apartment, which is only a few streets away from the hospital, and hunt for a parking spot. When I finally find one, I go inside, via the liquor store two doors down from her building. She opens the door before I even have a chance to knock, her eyes lighting up as she reaches for the bottle tucked under my arm. She’s been sending me the most random text messages all day, and I can tell she’s bursting to tell me something.

“It's like you read my mind. I totally couldn’t be bothered walking down to get some.”

“It’s literally right downstairs.” I giggle.

“Yes, I’m that lazy.” She grins at me as I follow her inside.

“What’s with all the messages you’ve been bombarding me with? Did you work today?” I ask, taking off my jacket. I toss it over the chair and sit down on the couch, tucking my feet up under me.

She nods. “Sunday rates, and you’ll never guess who I met,” she gushes, leaning against the kitchen counter. Her eyes light up excitedly as she waits for me to answer.

“So, tell me then.”

“Channing Tatum.”

She stares at me expectantly, barely able to contain her smile. I shake my head. From her reaction, I feel like I should know who this is, but I’ve got nothing.

“Um, yay for you?”

Her eyes widen in shock as her smile turns into a gape.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Um… no?” I laugh, not sure what the big deal is. It’s not like she had any idea who Marina Holden was when I’d gushed about her. “Stop looking at me like that.” I giggle. “Between studying and this little thing called a residency, I haven't exactly been overloaded with spare time.”

“That’s still no excuse,” she says. She walks over and slaps me on the arm.

I laugh. “What are you, twelve?”

She shakes her head. “No, I’m disappointed,” she grumbles. She continues to shake her head and walks back into the kitchen, pacing back and forth like she’s trying to solve some huge problem that she’s just been faced with.

“Are you all right?” I tease her.

“I will be. When we fix this.”

“Fix what?”

She marches back into the living room and grabs the TV remote, navigating to the MovieFlix app.

“You own me four ninety-nine,” she says as she clicks on the Magic Mike double.

“If I’m missing out on that much then why don’t you own it?” I tease as she glowers at me.

Before I can protest, I’m being forced to sit through four hours of Magic Mike. It turns out not to be the worst punishment in the world, but still, I came over to catch up, not watch movies. Every time I try and speak to Becs, she holds her hand up to silence me and points at the TV. I laugh glance at my phone to check the time, protesting shock when it’s snatched out of my hands.


“You’ll get it back later.”

It’s nearly midnight when I finally regain my phone privileges. When I think about how early I have to get up in the morning, and the fact that we didn’t even eat dinner or catch up, all I can do is laugh.

“Thanks for the catch-up, but maybe next time we can do this without Channing Tatum.”

“Said no one ever.” Her expression softens as she winces. “Okay, so maybe I got a little carried away. We didn’t even have dinner.”

“Oh, I know.” I smile at her and shake my head. “It’s fine, really. I’ll have some toast or something at home.”

“So, how are things going?” She frowns at me. “Have you spoken to him yet?”

“Assuming you mean Luke and not Channing, no.” I lean against the door and frown at her. “I know that I need to, but I just can’t seem to find the right time to bring it up. That, and it feels way too early to be having that kind of conversation in the first place.”

“It’s never too early,” Becca argues. “I’m just looking out for you. This is the kind of conversation you need to have with someone before you start falling for them.”

“You think I’m falling for him?” I laugh.

“Yes. And you need to tell him for his sake as much as your own,” she adds. “Think about how hard it will be for you to start this conversation, and then imagine how hard it will be for him to hear it.”

I hadn’t thought about it like that. I smile at Becca and give her a hug.

“I’ll tell him. Soon. I promise.”

Because she’s right. This conversation needs to happen, and it needs to happen soon.Chapter Nine

LukeI’m vaguely aware of Laura as she leans over and kisses me roughly on the mouth. When her thigh grazes my cock, I stiffen in a matter of seconds. I smile because waking up next to her never gets old. I chuckle and run my hands up over her curves, disappointed when I see she’s already dressed for work.