How much more awkward can she make this, anyway?


Becca flashes me a grin when I open the door. I cringe inwardly and brace myself for whatever is coming next. She walks in and waves Luke over. He looks amused as he stands up and saunters over to us.

“I think we just need to get all this out in the open.” Becca looks back and forth between Luke and me. “You’re embarrassed because of what happened, but you obviously like him, or you wouldn’t have stuck your tongue down his throat. He likes you, too, or he wouldn’t have let you.” She shrugs. “There. Problem solved. Now, let’s just all get over it, so you two can go and have dirty sex while I watch TV and pretend I can’t hear the grunting.”

I glare at Becca, ignoring Luke’s soft chuckles. I can’t even look at him as I grab her arm and steer her into the kitchen.

“What the hell was that?” I hiss.

“What? You invited me over here to ease the tension—”

“No, you invited yourself over here,” I correct her. I shake my head and laugh.

“Okay, so that may be true, but I started thinking about how all I’m doing is enabling your avoidant behavior by not helping you address it. Is that really helping you? Am I being a real friend by doing that?”

“Now is not the time for you to go all psychiatrist on me,” I growl at her. “You might as well just leave now because being alone with him can’t be any worse than that.”


She shrugs, her eyes sparkling as she hugs me and then walks out the door, while I gape after her. I walk back into the living room, feeling dazed by the whirlwind that is Becca. Luke frowns at me, confused.

“Hey, where’s your friend?”

“She left,” I say.

He steps closer to me, a smile creeping onto his face.

“So, is what she said true? That you like me?”

He studies my face as I nod.

“I’m surprised,” he says. “The way you panicked after what happened on the roof…” He smiles at me and reaches for my hand. I don’t pull away because his touch feels so good against mine. “I guess you asking Becca over here shows me that you’re willing to face things head on and deal with them. I admire that.”

“Yep, that was my plan all along.” I nod, swallowing a laugh. “No point letting things get more awkward, right?”

“She seems like a good friend. You’re lucky to have someone like her in your corner.”

“Is she paying you to tell me that?” I grin. “No, she’s great. I keep her around for a reason.”

“So, where to from here, then?” he asks. He’s so close to me that all I’d need to do is tilt forward and my mouth would be on his.

It’s so very tempting…

“I guess we move on. There’s no point complicating things, right?” I hear myself saying. “You’re my brother’s friend, and we work at the same hospital. Starting something with you would be silly.”

The only thing silly is the stupid excuses that are coming out of my mouth. As if Matt would even care if we hooked up. He’d probably throw us a party.

“Very silly,” he agrees, his eyes staring at my lips.

I swallow, my heart pounding then I laugh randomly like I do when I’m nervous. I run my hand through my hair, feeling hot all of a sudden.

“I’ve got an early start tomorrow.” I can barely get the words out.

“Then I guess you’d better go to bed,” he murmurs, his gaze rolling down my body.

I nod and back up, then I turn around and quickly rush off. I can feel his eyes on me as I all but run down the hallway to escape to my room. I close the door with a thud and slowly peel off my clothes. Climbing into bed, I stare at the ceiling. There’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to sleep, but I close my eyes and at least try.

If only so I stop thinking about that kiss.Chapter Seven

LukeSorry, I’m out again. Help yourself to whatever is in the fridge.

Don’t expect me home till late ;) L x

I frown as I reread the note she left for me on the kitchen counter. Even though she says she’s not, I’m sure she’s avoiding me. Matt said one of the things I’d like about living here is that she’s very laid-back and a homebody. Only I see the opposite because she’s never here. She’s barely been home five minutes since I moved in. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind if she’s out every night. Good for her, if that’s what she wants. I just don’t want to be the reason behind it. I meant it when I said I didn’t want to upset her life.