Page 77 of The Golden Pecker

I pushed my thoughts back to my mom. “Okay. Fine. But I’m going to have someone waiting at the airport for you in California to make sure your ride is arranged, and your luggage is picked up. You’ll be completely taken care of.”

She blew off my words with a wave of her hand and a knowing smile. “I know you will, sweetie. Because you’re a good boy.”

It still amused me to hear her call me a boy. I knew I was far from it, but the way mothers never really stopped seeing their children as babies defied all reason and logic. To her, I was still the wounded little boy who had tried as hard as he could to hold her and my dad together. Ultimately, I’d failed at that. But somehow, finding Andi was the first thing I’d ever done that made me think I could start moving on from my past.

I paid Andi a visit at her friend, Rachel’s, small apartment. I’d waited for her outside the place shortly after we met because Andi was trying to ghost me, but this was my first time coming up to the door. I knocked and waited.

Andi opened the door with a confused look on her face. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, absolutely fine,” I said. “I just wanted to—” I caught a glimpse of the room. It was cluttered with stacks of papers, dirty clothes, and there was even a bra hanging on the radiator. There was even a disgusting, long rodent creeping around on the floor. I thought it might be a possum, but I also wasn’t too sure I knew what they looked like. Andi’s “boss,” Rachel, didn’t seem to notice or care that I was getting a glimpse of all of it. “Wow,” I said.

“I know.” Andi pushed past me and closed the door so we were talking in the hallway. “Rachel is kind of like a mad genius minus the genius part.”

I grinned. “So she’s just crazy?”

Andi thought for a second. “Yes, but no. She’s… driven. But seriously,” she said, punching my chest lightly. “Tell me why you’re here or I’m going to start assuming the worst. Like you caught my gonorrhea or something.”

I grinned. “Funny. But I was actually hoping to ask if you would accompany me tonight. To The Golden Pecker,” I added in a lower tone.

She made a face. “As your submissive, you mean?”

“Yes,” I said. Little by little, I’d been breaking her into my world. It was a slow process, but she seemed to be enjoying it. I knew I was.

“What about your mom? Didn’t you say payday meant you were probably going to be out of town for a while handling her treatments?”

I shrugged. “Mom’s orders. We’re supposed to enjoy each other while she does this one on her own.” I held up a finger when it looked like Andi was going to argue. “And yes, I know. I already tried talking her out of it, but she’s insisting. I’ll make sure she’s fine, though.”

Andi sighed, then toyed with my tie. “I guess if you and your mom want to twist my arm. We can do that. But I promised my sisters I’d take them to somewhere tonight. It’s kind of a surprise, and I’m not telling you because I don’t want you blabbing to them. So tomorrow, instead?”

Now it was my turn to sigh. I’d hardly been a day without her since we slept together. Every time I got a taste of her, it only seemed to make me want it more. She was dangerous, but I was loving every second of it. “Tomorrow, then. And this thing with your sisters. No men are involved, are they?”

“Hmm. Is that jealousy, I’m sensing? Do you really think any guy could compete with you, though? I mean, really. Who else am I going to find that can do that thing you did with the feather?”

I grinned. I had to admit I was a little proud of that particular trick. “You make a good point. And still no contact from Tommy, your little Florida fling?”

She smiled in a way that told me she secretly enjoyed my possessive streak. “Yes, actually. And I told him to hop on the first plane available so he could—”

I growled a little playfully, backing her into the wall and looming over her. “Careful. Get me too jealous and I’ll need to fuck the mischief out of you.”

Andi batted her eyelashes up at me. “And what if your attentions only make me more mischievous?”

I grinned. “Then I’ll enjoy the never-ending challenge that is taming you.”

“My sister said I needed a guy who could tame me once,” Andi said, almost thoughtfully. “Maybe I just needed a guy who was willing to accept he never could.”

I chuckled. “I don’t know about all of that. But I do know you’re mine, no matter how much you might try to frustrate me.”