Page 66 of The Golden Pecker

I turned my head to Landon, who was on the opposite end of the couch. I couldn’t help grinning a little. Not exactly, Grandpa.

“Oh,” Grandpa said. “I almost forgot. If Landon tries to leave you everything, he still gets the club. And he gets a personal apology from me. So, Landon. Congratulations. I may have screwed up with you at every possible turn, but somehow, you managed to come out of it all as a decent human being. And you bet your ass I chewed you out in the other videos, by the way. So consider being spared that your other reward.

“Well! That’s pretty much it. Enjoy your new lives, you two. For me, it’s back to being dead.” He closed his eyes and tipped his head back, letting his mouth hang open dramatically. After a few seconds, he peeked, then gestured for someone to turn off the camera before the screen abruptly went black.

“Wow,” I said slowly. “I need some time to think.”

I got up from the couch and went for the door.

Landon started to stand, but sat back down, watching me with a solemn look on his face. “Will I see you again?”

I paused, hand on the doorknob. “I’m not sure.”26LandonThe club wasn’t open for the night, but I’d come after watching William’s video with Andi anyway. A few hours ago, I was resigned to the idea that it was gone from my life. All the years I spent trying to make it into what it is might as well have been dust.

I ran my fingers across the golden rooster emblem engraved into the center of the bar. It was mine. Really mine. But what had it cost me?

I laughed. Too much. It had cost me Andi. I hadn’t really expected her to forgive me on the spot for giving her the club and the hotel, but part of me had hoped. At least I’d have all the money I could ever need to help mom get better. I knew I would’ve found a way regardless, but it was still a relief to take the mystery out of the equation.

James wandered into the lobby. He was wearing all black, like usual. “Going to share?” he asked.

I thought about telling him what William had told me in the video. In all likelihood, the lawyers probably had instructions to send a video to James or another one of the Wainwright sisters now that my little mission with Andi was complete. But for some reason, I didn’t want to spoil William’s plan, whatever it might be. If he did rope James in with one of the Wainwright girls, I wanted him to have a chance to work whatever magic he’d almost worked with me and Andi.

“Club’s mine,” I said simply.

James nodded, as if getting the club wasn’t the sole purpose of my life for years. “What’s your first move?”

“Clean out some of the members I should’ve removed a long time ago. Sydney and Edward would be a good start.”

James hardly showed he had heard me. We both knew Sydney and Edward had connections, and not just within the clubs. Kicking them out could cause trouble for me down the line, but I didn’t care anymore.

“What happened with the girl?”

“Take a wild guess.”

“She wants to use your hollowed-out skull as a wine glass?”

I grinned. “Was that a joke?”

“No. That was a quote from one of your exes. The one you ghosted in the middle of your second date. At my club.”

I wasn’t particularly proud of that memory. I didn’t realize the girl had gone as far as wanting to drink out of my skull, though. “Anyway, yeah. I’m guessing Andi wouldn’t mind having my skull as a trophy at this point.”

“Actually,” Andi said. “I prefer your skull inside your head.”

I knew her voice the moment I heard it, but I still had to look to confirm it was really her. She was wearing her fuzzy unicorn sweater with the silly little golden horn jutting out of her chest again. She gave me a sideways smile and flicked the horn, making it flop back and forth a few times.

“I’d ask how you got in here,” I said, lowering my gaze to the dildo in her hand. “But I think I am just going to make a mental note to work on securing the secret entrance.”

She rushed forward and hugged me tight. I squeezed her back, then couldn’t help laughing when something rubbery thudded into my neck. “Can you get your dick off my neck, please?” I asked.

Andi tossed the dildo to the side, where it landed, bounced, and nearly hit James in the foot. He stepped back, scowling down at it. He gave the both of us a look like we had lost our minds, then stalked out of the room, leaving us alone.