Page 49 of The Golden Pecker

She met my eyes, not speaking at first. “I know,” she said finally.

Andi was silent as she followed me out of the room, but I could imagine how her thoughts must be racing. I had to admit I enjoyed pushing her buttons for a change. In fact, if I was being entirely honest, I enjoyed quite a lot about spending time with her.

Grant practically ran into me once we left the sensory deprivation room. He was out of breath.

“I thought you left hours ago,” I said.

Grant shrugged. “Yeah, well, I had a few too many free drinks on you and wound up passed out in the bathroom. Sue me. But you know who is here, and she has been asking for you. Looks like she’s out for blood. I’d—”

“You can tell me about it later.” I tried to push past him, but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

“This is one of those problems you can’t save for later. You know, like that time I realized I’d accidentally stolen that guy’s car? Remember? It was push-to-start and he left his keys in it, so it just kinda kicked on. I was halfway home before I—”

“I remember,” I growled. “I’m going to walk Andi out of the club, and then I’ll deal with your little problem.”

“It’s actually your problem. And it’s not so little.”

“I can walk myself out,” Andi said.

I turned and shot her a warning look. I was somewhat surprised when she lowered her eyes. Submissive wasn’t an adjective I’d have used to describe Andi at any point since meeting her, but it was good to see she could learn. I had no doubt she was thinking something sarcastic and biting, but at least she had the self-control to play along. Later, I’d learn her cues well enough to punish her when I sensed her rebellious thoughts, but—

No. There wasn’t going to be a later. Andi wasn’t really my submissive. We were still letting William’s list lead us along. Maybe she was playing along for now, but sooner or later, she’d be done with the game.

I took her by the hand and half-dragged her toward the hallway leading to the wine cellar exit.

We drew more than a few stares when we reached the bar area, and I didn’t need to be a detective to sense that something was going on. Sydney was wearing a devious smile when she spotted us. She set her drink down and headed straight our way.

My chest went tight. “Ignore her.”

“Who is that?” Andi asked.

“I’m Landon’s ex-girlfriend,” Sydney said.

Even if Andi was making me look like the dom who couldn’t control his sub in front of the entire club, I was proud to see that she didn’t shrink from Sydney in the slightest.

“Sydney,” I said. “Fuck. Off. I’m going to walk Andi out, then I’ll deal with you.”

Sydney pursed her lips. “What’s the harm in letting me talk to your latest toy? Or are you scared she won’t play anymore if she knows the truth about you?”

“And what truth is that?” Andi asked.

“Enough,” I said. “I’ll tell her myself.”

Sydney frowned. “Tell her what?”

“Not here.”

“What is going on?” Andi demanded.

I took her by the hand and tried to lead her out. Andi planted her feet. “By the way,” she said to Sydney. “Nice fingernails. Green to symbolize that you’re a jealous bitch, or is it just your favorite color?”

Andi had noticed, too. Sydney was the one who turned the lights on, but if she thought she was going to put distance between us with that little stunt, she’d been wrong. Seeing Andi… No, that was an image that could drive a man insane with need. Even my imagination hadn’t done her justice. But I had a feeling when I finished coming clean to Andi, that snapshot was going to be my parting gift.

Sydney sneered. “Jealous? Landon uses people up and tosses them out when he’s done. I was smart enough to leave before he got the chance.”

Andi looked at me with fire in her eyes. “Is it against club rules or something if I punch her in the throat?”

I pushed down the urge to smile. “As much as I’d enjoy watching that. Yes. It would technically fall under an act of nonconsensual punishment.” I knew I’d probably pay for it later, but Andi wasn’t budging from my gentle tugs on her hand, so I scooped her up like a child and carried her toward the wine cellar exit.

A low murmur erupted in our wake, but I tried not to hear it. I also tried not to think what it implied about my shaky status as the one in charge of The Golden Pecker. I was losing control, little by little. I knew that much. Showing myself in front of the members with a submissive who was anything but submissive wasn’t going to help ease their minds, either. They thought I was grooming her to take over the club, and they no doubt expected her to run the place into the ground with her inexperience.