Page 42 of The Golden Pecker

“And how do you treat your property?” I asked, even though I could hardly believe I was still considering this. The truth was, I didn’t just want to keep exploring the list because of the potential inheritance. Actually, the real truth was there was no amount of money that would’ve made me go through a list like this. Landon was the little flickering flame of interest that kept me coming back, and over time, it was becoming less of a spark and more of a wildfire. I’d felt something when I was under his control at the aquarium and when I was sitting beside him in The Red Room. I’d felt a dirty, exhilarating thrill that I still craved more of.

“In this case,” Landon said. “I would treat her delicately, even if she had a sour mouth and an inability to take anything seriously.”

“My mouth tasted sour?” I asked, blushing.

Landon’s eyes flicked up at that. I thought I even saw the hint of a smirk. “I was talking about the words that come out of it. But no. You tasted…” He trailed off, then sat up a little straighter. We hadn’t talked about our kiss from the other night in the club, and the subject seemed to make him as uncomfortable as it made me.

“I just take dental hygiene very seriously,” I said. “So, if I had bad breath, I’d have wanted to know. Floss, brush, mouthwash. People don’t realize you’re supposed to floss first, but, yeah. You knock all those particles out from between your teeth after brushing and they just sit in there, causing mayhem. Gingivitis is no joke,” I added quietly.

Landon was watching me with a flicker of amusement behind his eyes. “You’re nervous. Nervous that you’re going to accept the terms of this contract, even though it frightens you. Nervous that you’ll like it.”

“I’ve only heard the first sentence of the thing.”

Landon read through the rest of the contract, collecting and marking my preferences. In some cases, I had to answer that I didn’t know if I’d enjoy something, like having my toes sucked on, because no guy had ever decided to try that. I even had to describe spots on my body that were particularly ticklish, as well as go over my medical history. There were a few boxes I noticed Landon made a check mark in the “No” box without even asking my preference.

“What are those?” I asked.

“Things I don’t participate in, even if my submissive requested them.”

“You mean there’s something too pervy, even for you?”

“Everybody has their preferences.”

I pursed my lips. Fine. Be mysterious. I stared at him as he clinically finished going through the contract, including several prying questions about my sexual history.

“Can I ask you something?”

“You can ask, but I may choose not to answer.” Was his reply.

“Why do you want this club so badly? Couldn’t you just start your own without having to worry about the shadow of my grandfather hanging over it? Or some other kind of business?”

He didn’t answer right away. I saw that familiar look on his face—the one I saw every time I knew he was struggling to dig the truth up from somewhere deep. “Because I don’t have the money to start my own. And I need the money this club generates.”

I tilted my head. “But your car… your clothes. You’re loaded, right?”

He looked ashamed, shaking his head. “Your grandfather was careful to make sure I could appear that way, yes. But he was also petty enough to only pay me the bare minimum to keep food on my table. Everything else is technically his property, even now.”

“Why?” I asked. I wasn’t sure I believed him—like the person he was talking about couldn’t be the Grandpa Willy I’d known my whole life.

“That’s a story I’m not ready to share. Not yet,” he added.

I frowned. More and more, I suspected the story had something to do with me, even if I couldn’t piece together how that would be possible. I decided I was nearly done being patient with him. Maybe I was wrong, and I had no business knowing his secrets, but I did know I was the one putting my neck on the line with him. It was my heart that was in danger of getting smashed to pieces, and I wasn’t willing to be vulnerable forever.

“Fine,” I said. “But you need to find a way to tell me. Soon,” I added.

When the time finally came for me to ink my name at the bottom of the list, I couldn’t help looking up at the man sitting across from me. As usual, he seemed to attract the shadows so that his otherwise perfect features took on a sinister turn.

Landon tapped his finger impatiently on the line with the red “X” beside it. “Are you going to sign?”