Page 25 of The Golden Pecker

I took a step back to admire my work. Andi was watching me with an unimpressed look on her face and both arms over her head. Her top was also getting pulled up enough that I could see just the faintest hint of her pale breasts sticking out from the bottom.

“Wow,” she said sarcastically. “This is life changing. Now I don’t have to wonder what it’s like when you get a wedgie and can’t fix it.”

I looked around the locker room and found a thin towel. I grabbed it, then walked back toward her. “Stay still,” I commanded. I carefully tied the towel around her eyes.

“Bondage is about more than simply being tied up,” I said. I greedily admired her as she stood there on display for me, arms outstretched and chest rising and falling. She had perfectly smooth legs with just the right amount of tone. “It’s about learning to embrace submission.”

“I’m not exactly the submissive type,” Andi said. “Frankly, I think history is full of women who should’ve been kicking more men in the balls and speaking up. Being a submissive just feels like an insult to their memory. Besides, I’m—”

“Stop talking and listen,” I said. I let my voice be just firm enough to cut her off and remind her of her position. “This isn’t submitting in some sort of political sense.” I ran my eyes down her stomach, lingering on her belly button, which was stretched into a thin, vertical line. “It’s about power. It’s about learning that it takes more strength to let go than it does to grab control.”

“False. Have you ever seen Cliffhanger? Pretty sure any weakling could let go and—”

“Enough,” I snapped. I wasn’t sure if I should laugh or groan in frustration. Was there really no point where Andi would start taking this seriously? I leaned in close and lowered my voice to a whisper. “Let go,” I said. “Give your trust to me, and I’ll give you an experience you could never imagine.”

“I have a pretty good imagination,” she whispered back with a playful edge to her voice.

Despite my obviously growing interest in the woman, I had planned to keep this encounter relatively tame. But her complete refusal to be serious was driving me to my limits.

“You think this is a joke, don’t you?” I asked.

“No. I mean, I’ve got a towel over my head and my hands are tied together by your swimsuit drawstring. I’d say things are highly serious right now.”

“Then there’d be no danger in letting me stretch the rules?”

“Uh, how so?” she asked slowly.

“I won’t lay a finger on you, but I’ll come close.”

She paused for a long time. “You know what? Go ahead. I once sat through a magic act at a school talent show where none of the kids’ tricks worked. I can survive awkward and uncomfortable. So if you want to try to prove to me that this is supposed to be some kind of surreal experience, go right ahead.”

I stared in slight disbelief. I wondered if she knew how many of my buttons she was pressing, or how badly she was making me want to see her come. I don’t think I’d ever wanted to make someone climax purely out of spite before, but she had brought me to that point.

I put my lips just an inch from her neck and let out a slow, hot breath.

“Oh, thanks,” she said casually. “It’s pretty cold in here. Do you mind hitting my arm pits, too? They’re kind of exposed.”

I was going to make her regret pushing me to this point.11AndiHis hot breath moved from my neck to my chest, then on the top of my cleavage. I tried not to gasp and mostly failed.

There were two camps at war in my brain at the moment.

One camp was the jaded, annoyed section. All the thoughts on that side of my head were about how ridiculously silly this all was. That part of me wanted to roll my eyes at all of this and let Landon get knocked down a peg. He wasn’t some master seducer or self-proclaimed “dom.” He was just a ridiculously hot guy liked to play with leather toys, kick pinecones, and look at dolphins.

But the other camp… It was gradually gaining ground and threatening a full-mind-takeover any minute. That side of my brain was painfully, excruciatingly aware that the most attractive man I’d ever seen was currently playing breath hockey with my half naked body—that I was tied to a locker in my swimsuit while a Greek God was trying to turn me on out of frustration.

The only thing both camps could agree on was that the more I pissed him off, the more desperate he got to pleasure me. The stubborn part of me liked the idea of him trying and failing. The other part was fully ready to sink into his silly little game and do whatever it took.