Page 11 of The Golden Pecker

Well, old man, if that was your plan, you miscalculated.

I let my legs open up wider so that her knee was against my thigh. She twitched, but didn’t try to move her leg away. As pathetic as it was, the unspoken permission made a rush of excitement run through me. It was like finding a cracked door in a house that was supposed to be full of locked rooms.

I considered pushing my luck for more, but decided this would all be far more enjoyable if I let it play out slowly. I wanted her dreams to be filled with dark desires. With me.

The two men retreated back into the darkness, leaving the woman in front of the table. The masked man approached, and the overhead lighting made each muscle on his body stand out in stark contrast.

He took the woman and methodically tied her to the table. I knew the performers, so I happened to know the masked man was Matt. He was as professional as doms came, and he was careful to secure Crystal to her spot on the table only as tight as he needed. Doms at our club were held to strict standards when they were with their submissives, and we didn’t tolerate bruising or cuts.

Every tug of the straps made her large breasts jiggle, and the fact that I was sitting beside Andi while this show was being set up sent an unexpected pulse of excitement through me. I wondered if the thrill I felt was only because I enjoyed giving one last middle finger to William—after all, this was all his idea. Any heartbreak she might come to at my hands would be of his doing.

Then again, I felt a spark with Andi. It wasn’t the usual kind of spark, like a dim light in the distance. I felt more awake and alive around her, but I still hadn’t figured out if it was because of her, or if it was because she was so closely tied William . It was enough to make me wonder what I actually cared about. Was I making her do this to screw my old man, or was I just chasing the spark?

Whatever my motivations might be, The Red Room was just an appetizer, and if she kept her nerve, the main courses were going to mean she and I would be spending some time together. I didn’t expect that thought to make my dick twitch, but I guess I shouldn’t have been shocked. Andi was beautiful, after all. She was also the kind of beautiful that seemed to knock my guard down. It wasn’t the magazine-perfect type of beauty, either. She didn’t have massive, pouting lips and breasts that challenged gravity.

She was real, like she’d somehow managed to thread her way through life in New York City without letting it touch her. I couldn’t decide if that was impressive, or if it was a testament to how stubborn and obstinate, she was. I guess it was both.

“What do you think?” I said.

“I’m just wondering if being a nude stage performer in a seedy BDSM club gets you full benefits.”

“Why? Thinking about a career change?”

She wiggled her eyebrows. “You wish.”

I looked back to the stage. Andi was unbelievable.

Despite her bravado, I could feel how tense Andi was beside me, especially when the performance began in earnest. There was a kind of brutality to watching this sort of show. Life is all about restraint and composure and shame. It’s about learning how to hide your desires.

Down here, nobody hid. Crystal bit her lip and watched with half-lidded eyes while the doms set to work on her, running hard, confident hands across her body. She opened her legs for them when they produced a whip and she gasped when they slid the handle inside her.

Andi flinched beside me. I discreetly watched her, noting the way her chest was rising and falling rapidly. After a few moments, I even found a vein on her neck and could see the quick, pulsing pattern of her heartbeat. She was even unconsciously pressing her thighs together.

I grinned to myself. She was aroused. Hell, so was I. Except my excitement had nothing to do with what was happening on stage.

I could’ve put together a very compelling list of good reasons to keep an emotional and physical distance from Andi. Yet none of that seemed to temper the way my thoughts were running in wild, dark directions—filling me with ideas of the things I’d like to do to her.

Half an hour later, Crystal was done moaning on stage and the performers had left.

Some of the crowd had taken advantage of the dim lighting in the seating area to enjoy their partners. One man on the opposite end of the room appeared to be enjoying three women at once, and another was dragging the woman he was with out of the room, probably toward a private area.