Page 75 of The Golden Pecker

He pressed a finger to my lips. “I’m not saying this as your dom. But I do think it’s worth mentioning that it will be easier to fuck you if you’re not talking.”

I raised an eyebrow, then motioned like I was zipping my lips.

He got on the bed, advancing toward me so that I scooted back until my head was on the pillow.

“Green,” I said.

“What?” he asked.

“Well, we had yellow and red. I figured I could just go on the whole traffic light theme and say ‘green.’ You know, like, let’s do this thing. Bow chicka bo—”

Landon shut me up with a kiss, which I wasn’t going to complain about.

I pulled back for a second. “Is it weird to kiss after I was, you know?”

“Can I change my mind about the whole submissive thing?” he asked.

I smirked. “Sorry. I just had to be quiet the whole time coming in here and it builds up.”

Landon started kissing me again. As much as I wanted the whole experience, I thought I could’ve lived in this exact moment forever. His hard body was warm against mine, pumping slightly so that I could feel his length pressing between my legs, even if it wasn’t inside yet. He was so big in every way. It felt like I could’ve survived a hurricane if I just held onto his broad back tightly enough—if I didn’t break away from the kiss.

After a few minutes, he angled his hips so that I felt the head of his cock start to press against me. I was so wet that it only took a few gentle thrusts for it to slide inside.

I gasped, squeezing his back so hard I was afraid I might hurt him, but I couldn’t manage to make myself let go.

Even though it wasn’t really my first time, it felt like an entirely new experience. Every nerve in my body lit up when he was inside me. Maybe it was like he said—the little bursts of pain from the hot wax and the riding crop had somehow intensified the pleasure I felt now.

But I didn’t think that was it. I thought it was more that I had gradually come to understand the pain Landon felt. I understood how his father had replaced him with my sisters and I—how he’d been left to handle the burden of his sick mother and how Grandpa Willy had tried to make him feel guilty for that. Most importantly, I understood how much he must really have cared for me to set all the anger aside and share a moment like this with me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and arched my back. I wrapped my legs around him and opening up my legs let him drive himself even deeper inside me. A low, hungry moan spilled from my lips. I didn’t know how badly I’d wanted to be filled by him until now, but God. It felt like heaven.

I didn’t know how long it was before my body started to shake and an orgasm ripped through me. It felt like every drop of energy I had poured itself into the moment, making white lights flash in my eyes and rippling warmth run across my skin.

I almost didn’t realize Landon had pulled himself out of me. He let his cock rest on my pelvis as it twitched several times, covering my belly in his warm come. I lifted my head to look. Landon’s face was a mask of pleasure and his throbbing cock was still laying on my skin, glistening. I could hardly believe I’d just done that. With him. Here. That it had felt so good. I still hadn’t even come completely to terms with the fact that I’d forgiven him.

All I knew was that I was so, so, incredibly happy it had led me to this moment.

“Would this be a bad time to tell you I’m allergic to sperm?” I asked.

Landon took a moment to register what I said, then he practically jumped off the bed and ducked down to look for something. I wondered how long I should let it go before telling him I was kidding and decided he did say I was off the hook as his submissive for tonight. Maybe he’d regret that by the time I was done.

He returned with tissues and some sort of hand sanitizer, which he started vigorously using to clean me off.

He stopped when he saw the grin on my face. “Wait,” he said. “Did you make that up?”

“No comment.”

Landon ended up in bed beside me. I was glad that he decided to stay completely naked. Under the silky covers and heavy comforter of the bed, I still couldn’t get enough of the warmth of his bare skin against mine.

“Does this mean I’m your girlfriend now?”

Landon smirked. “Call it whatever you want. All I know is I’m not letting you go after that.”