Page 74 of The Golden Pecker

Oh. It was the first time I was glad I had a safe word. It wasn’t that I wanted to say “no” in any capacity or that I was scared. Instead, it let me look at his commands and the possibility of what was to come in an entirely different way. It was exciting. There was no danger here. It was like a ride where I could slam the “stop” button if it got to be too frightening.

I noticed that Landon waited a couple seconds before he hooked his thumb in the elastic of his underwear and tugged it down. I assumed he was giving me a chance to use the safe word.

His dick sprung free, wobbling a little comically in front of my face.

I grinned up at him. “Penises are kind of funny. You have to admit,” I said.

Landon glared down at me. He didn’t look like he was particularly in the mood to talk about how goofy it was that men had these floppy appendages between their legs.

I was forced to take a deep breath, lick my lips, and stop trying to stall. I had actually never done this before, but I wasn’t about to admit that to Landon. Then again, I’d eaten ice cream cones, bananas, and my fair share of lollipops, so how hard could it be?

I wiggled toward him slightly in a not entirely erotic way—given that I was on my side. For some reason, my first move was to plant a kiss right on the head of his cock. I had to hold back a goofy smile when it twitched in response. Oh, you like that, do you, big guy?

I opened my mouth and eased the first inch or two of him inside my mouth. I quickly realized I needed to open wider to avoid scraping him with my teeth. I snuck a look up at him and saw him looking down at me with a curious expression.

Shit. He was figuring me out, wasn’t he? He knew this was my first time.

I decided to pull out the real moves. The only problem was I didn’t have any real moves. So, I just tried my best to look like I knew what I was doing. I moved my head up and down, stealing glances up at him as I did.

When I remembered I had a tongue and started swirling it around or running it along his shaft as I moved, I felt the way his whole body tensed. His eyes were closed tight now, and his hands started threading through my hair.

Okay. I can see how this could be fun.

Soon, I felt like I was getting the hang of it. You might even go as far as to say I was a natural when it came to sucking dick. In any other context, I was fairly sure that would be an insult. In this case, I was happy to embrace my hidden talent.

Landon started to breathe heavier, and I felt the first real pulse of power.

I had all six feet plus of him and all his complex emotions and broodiness at my mercy. Each little flick of my tongue was practically a joystick I could use to drive him where I wanted. The feeling of having him at my mercy like this could get addicting, even if I was fairly sure it wasn’t the takeaway I was supposed to get as his submissive.

My pace naturally increased as my own arousal got tied up in the act. At first, I’d been blindly trying to figure out what to do. Once I got the basics down and sensed his enjoyment, it became hot as hell for me, too.

I was tempted to put my hand between my legs to ease the growing need there, but I also didn’t want to disobey. I was supposed to do what he told me, and right now, he’d told me to suck his cock.

“Fuck,” he said, pulling back. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought it was because he was about to come, except he wasn’t ready to spend his pleasure yet.

I sat up, wiping the corner of my mouth with a finger. I saw him watching, so I decided to be a tease and I sucked my finger clean. Except, I realized, it was kind of counterproductive since it was my own saliva I’d just wiped from my finger, which I’d cleaned by coating it in more saliva. Either way, Landon seemed to enjoy it.

“I thought I wanted your submission all the way. But I don’t want our first time to be tangled up with any of that. I want you. Just you,” he said, stepping closer and cupping my face.

“You mean like I’m allowed to say stupid, sarcastic things again?”

He grinned faintly. “Whatever makes you happy.”

“Then can I just say that you didn’t extinguish that candle before you set it down, and I’ve been pretty nervous we’re going to end up burning the place down. Also, you—”