Page 71 of The Golden Pecker

Landon glared. “No more games.”

I looked down at the floor, doing my best impression of someone who doesn’t have a few sarcastic responses floating around in their head.30LandonIt took a hell of a lot more effort than it should have, but I eventually got my mind right. From the moment I’d met her, Andi had a way of making me feel like I was off-balance. That might have made some men uncomfortable. For me, it was refreshing.

“This room is mostly normal,” I said. “There are a few little bells and whistles that might make things more enjoyable, but for all intents and purposes, it’s just a bedroom. If you find this to your liking, there are all sorts of devious paths we can take in the future. For now, I have a feeling this will do just fine. Now… Take off everything but your panties and lay on the bed. Face down.”

Andi shot me a nervous look. I was impressed when just a few seconds later, she peeled off her hideous sweater again and let it fall. It took almost all of my willpower not to go to her at that moment and pull one of her beautiful, hard nipples into my mouth. Instead, I stood and waited.

She paused, took a deep breath, and then unbuttoned her jeans. They were so tight she had to wiggle her hips to shimmy out of them. I let out a low, quiet groan I hoped she didn't hear as I watched. Her skin was absolutely milky and flawless. The little pink thong she wore gave me a tantalizing view of the bikini-shape of her tan lines.

Andi did a little hop as she yanked on her jeans to get her foot out, and then lost her balance. In a confusing second, she had fallen to the ground with a thump. She let out a sound like a deflating balloon, then rolled over and covered her eyes. Her jeans were still tangled around one of her ankles.

I had to press my hand to my mouth to stop from laughing. It didn’t seem like she’d actually hurt anything, but I thought I should be sure. “Are you okay?”

“That depends,” she said, voice heavily muffled by the carpet she was talking into. “Can a bruised ego get infected?”

“I’m going to help you with these, since it seems too dangerous for you to do alone.” I eased the jeans off her ankles, not missing the opportunity to appreciate my view. Her ass was only inches away, and my eyes followed the fabric of her thong to the slight mound of her pussy. I bit my lip hard, fighting back the urge to reach out for her.

“Do I stay here, or do I get up and try again? You never covered what happens if a submissive fails to perform a task.”

I grinned to myself. “Because I have never heard of a submissive failing to walk across the room without injuring herself.”

“Funny,” Andi said.

I helped her to her feet. “Try again.”

She walked to the bed, then jumped and spread her arms, landing on the soft comforter with a dramatic woosh.

Apparently, I was going to need to get more specific with my commands when it came to Andi. Take off your clothes. Carefully. Walk to the bed and get on it like a normal human being and not like a five-year-old getting into the pool.

I knelt beside the bed and opened a drawer in the frame. Inside, there were soft-tipped whips, flails, riding crops, paddles, and all sorts of bondage equipment plus an assortment of vibrators and insertables. Most of it was far, far more intense than anything I personally preferred to partake in. I grabbed a stiff leather riding crop. In the wrong hands, it would’ve been a brutal tool that could do serious damage. The way I intended to use it was going to be exceedingly gentle.

“What you feel,” I said, lowering the tip of the crop—a thin, folded over strip of leather—to the small of her back, “is a riding crop. I thought it was appropriate, given that you’re going to be about as easy to break in as a wild horse.”

Andi rolled her head to the side so she could see me with one eye. “Did you just compare me to a horse?”

“Only your temperament,” I said. I gave a light little whack on her ass with the crop. It was roughly the same force you’d get from bringing two fingers down on the back of someone’s hand. Enough to startle, but not even sting.

She jumped, which I knew was mostly from the surprise. Still, part of what I needed to do was assess her pain tolerance, among other things.

“Did that hurt?” I asked. I ran the tip of the crop back up her spine while I waited for a response.