Page 62 of The Golden Pecker

“Okay,” she said calmly.

“Okay?” I asked, my voice raising slightly in anger. “It’s okay that I’m going to risk my mom’s life? That I’m handing over our best shot at getting the money to get you the proper treatment? And for what?” I asked. I’d stood up at some point, hands clenched at my side. I closed my eyes and let out a long breath, sitting back down.

“Love?” she asked. “For doing what you think is right?”

I shook my head. “One sided love, if that’s what it is.” I looked up and pointed at her, eyes narrowed when I saw the way she was smiling. “And I’m not saying it is love. Hell, I don’t even know how I’d know if it was.”

She gave a little shrug. “You’d know. And seeing you so ready to give up the club you’ve poured your heart into? I’d say that’s a decent sign, too.”

“Mom,” I said, almost pleadingly. “I need you to talk me out of this. Tell me you’ll fucking hate me for risking your health over a girl.”

“The only thing I’ll tell you is to watch your damn language.” She leaned back, then smiled after a brief pause. “If you told me you were going to rob someone to get the money to pay for my treatment, I wouldn’t want it, anyway. If your gut is telling you this girl deserves her inheritance, then you give it to her. I don’t care what my situation is. I only want your help if you can give it with a free conscience.”

I lowered my eyes, nodding to myself. I’d partly come to tell my mom, but I’d be lying if I hadn’t hoped she’d talk me out of it. If nothing else, that she’d tell me I was being an idiot.

I thanked her, gave her a hug, and headed back outside. This time, when I pulled out my phone, I made the call.The next day, I went looking for Andi. I didn’t have to look for long, because I was only two steps into the lobby of The Wainwright when I heard a familiar voice.

Grant was laughing about something. I looked toward the sound and saw him standing beside Andi with his hand on the back of her chair. He was smiling and so was she.

I had my limits, and Grant talking to Andi was way beyond them. All the man did was seduce women. It was like his cock had him at constant gunpoint to provide a never-ending supply of pussy. And now he was talking to Andi.

My Andi.

It took considerable effort not to run or throw something. Instead, I walked slowly and deliberately toward the two of them.

“Grant,” I said.

He turned, saw me, and flashed a kind of terrified but crazy smile. “Oh, hey.”

“So, you’re still alive?” Andi asked. “I didn’t realize Tommy hit you so hard in Florida. I guess you had to fly back here to see a specialist, or something?”

Grant’s eyes bulged and he covered his mouth. He choked back a laugh, then straightened his face just long enough to speak. “Somebody hit you?” He laughed as soon as he finished speaking.

“You sound surprised,” I said as calmly as I could.

“I don’t know why, but the idea of someone punching you really tickles me in the right places,” Grant said. “You’re always so serious.” He turned to Andi. “What did Landon do after he got hit? Just kind of grunt and glare?”

“Grant,” I said again. “I need to have a word with you. In private.”

He raised his eyebrows, then smirked at Andi. “Didn’t I say he’d say that?”

She nodded. “Word for word.”

I wanted to groan in frustration. So Grant wasn’t making a move over here. He was meddling. “You,” I said, jabbing my finger into Grant’s chest. “Go wait over by the bar. And you,” I pointed at Andi. “Stay right there.”

Grant gave me a quick salute, then wandered off while whistling a happy tune.

Andi, on the other hand, was sticking her furry-socked foot in my face. I could now clearly see that her sock was one of those hideous toe socks with a little slot for each of her toes, which she was wiggling. “Do I look like I’m planning on going anywhere?”

I was surprised by how much I wanted to take her by the hand and drag her down to the club. I’d only had the briefest taste of her submission, and even that had come with a caveat. She’d never fully bought in to the experience. All I had was one of those ridiculous, fuzzy sock-clad toes of hers dipped into the waters. I still wanted more, even if I knew it wasn’t likely to ever happen.

She was watching me with the defiance in her eyes I’d come to crave. Her silky, almond hair was perfectly unkempt, and I didn’t even think she was wearing makeup. Her raw beauty was making it impossible to focus.