He flipped me over in a dizzying spin so that I was sitting on top of him now. I could feel the long hardness of his cock through his jeans. It felt so dirty and so deliciously good. Little by little, I was getting closer to the point where all rational thought would shut off.

He touched me roughly between the legs, rubbing his fingers hard and dragging them toward my clit, drawing a shudder from me. He brought them to his mouth and sucked them dry. “You get so wet for me, Wheels. And you taste so damn good.”

Apparently, that was all it took to unhinge me. I was tugging at his jeans, trying to get them down. Once he realized my clumsy fingers weren’t doing the job, he reached down and freed himself, letting his thick length spring free from his pants and boxers.

He tugged my panties to the side, then guided himself to my entrance.

He wasn’t kidding. I was so wet that he slid right in, inch by inch, stretching me until I felt so completely full that I couldn’t imagine a better feeling.

Above us, the moon hung with a silvery glow in the sparse clouds. Insects buzzed and chirped from the tree line a few dozen yards off. And our breath mingled in short, ragged patterns as we moved together.

He glided in me, warm and so perfectly hard. His hands dug into my hips as he used his strong arms to move me up and down against himself with growing intensity. He pressed a hand to my stomach and shoved it upward, moving my bra up so that one of my breasts burst free. He sat up, sucking my nipple into his mouth the instant it came free. I gasped, grinding myself against him, not even noticing the way the rough shingles were probably rubbing my knees raw.

All I felt was bliss. The perfect ecstasy of knowing he was mine and I was his. That we were sharing a moment like this—one that I knew I’d always have, no matter what else happened.

Suddenly, he was lifting me and turning me. I barely had time to figure out what was happening before I felt myself being sat on the windowsill, my upper back against the closed portion of the window. Tristan kicked his pants free, where they slid a few feet down the roof before coming to a stop. He gripped my thighs, urging me tighter around him and driving his cock so deep into me that I couldn’t believe there was room.

I gasped, burying my face in his neck and digging my fingers into his back. I slid them under his shirt, exploring the warm hardness of his body as he pumped relentlessly into me.

I was gasping out loud, probably making enough noise that someone on the main road could’ve heard me, but I couldn’t manage to make myself stop or care.

“I fucking love you,” Tristan grunted in my ear as his body tensed.

“I love you too. Fucking, love you,” I added with a smirk he couldn’t see.

He groaned, and just as my own body started to shudder with climax, he pulled himself free and I felt the warmth of his release cover me from my chest to my stomach. He stared down at my body, eyes so hungry I thought he was going to go for another round right then and there. Instead, he ran his thumb across my bare breast, collecting some of his release. He held it in front of my mouth, and I didn’t need to be told to know what he wanted.

I gripped his wrist and sucked it clean, savoring the look on his face as he let out a slow sigh. “That would’ve been a lot harder if you were still in your chair.”

I laughed suddenly. “Really? That is where your mind goes?”

He smirked, then went to retrieve his pants. Somehow, even with an erection and a bare ass, he managed to look like the sexiest thing to walk the planet as he skidded his way down the roof and grabbed them. “Hey,” he said. “Keep looking at me like that, and I’m going to fuck you again. But this time it’ll be to fulfill my other fantasy that I’ve had for the last ten minutes. To fuck you beneath that tree.”

“You say that like it’s a threat.”

Tristan’s eyebrow rose, and in that moment, I realized the ride had just begun.46TristanAs promised, a professional cleaning crew eventually showed up at my house. They had a key, and had apparently been warned about the grumpy, sole inhabitant of the property. They didn’t even seem bothered when I came grumbling out of my room in the morning, asking what the hell was going on.

Within two hours, the place was near spotless, and I knew I was going to need to throw another party. My dad called a little while after.