From the way I was crouched against a slanted peak of the roof, all he could see was my head from where he stood.

“Holy shit,” he said, laughing and wiping at his forehead. “Seeing someone’s head pop up on the top of a roof in the middle of the night is creepy, no matter how pretty the head is.”

“What are you doing to my garden, Blackwood?” I asked with a teasing edge to my voice.

“I noticed your weed garden was looking a little run down. So I picked some of the most raggedy ass looking weeds from my yard and brought them here. The only liquid they’ve probably ever had is spilled booze, so I figure they’ll love it here.”

“Most guys would bring a girl flowers in the middle of the night. And you brought me weeds.”

Tristan crossed his palms over the blunt end of the shovel, leaning his weight into it and looking up at me. “I’m not most guys, Kennedy. You want a rose, go find yourself one of those guys. But if you want weeds? I’m your man.”

I worked my lips to the side, smiling. “I’m trying to decide if this was sweet enough to show you what I’m wearing.”

Tristan straightened. A strange look crossed over his face, and then he broke into a run toward the oak tree by my window.

I squealed in fear, rushing across the roof toward my window. I felt simultaneously ridiculous and alive at the same time. I made the mistake of glancing back toward him to see how close he was. I lost my footing, sliding a few feet down on the roof before I caught myself. I was almost within reach of the window when Tristan caught up to me, putting himself between me and the window.

“There’s nothing faster than a horny male,” he said, making no attempt to hide how much he was enjoying looking at me.

I awkwardly clung to the roof, alternating my focus between trying not to die and trying to cover myself. “I’m impressed by your speed, horny male. Now can you let me back in my room before I freeze to death?”

“If you’re cold, I offer up my warmth as tribute.”

I carefully scooted to a kneeling position. I was on my knees, making my eyes level with his knees as he stood a little higher up the sloped roof with his back against my still-open window. “You realize we’re outside, right? I’m in my underwear. What if someone else sees?”

“Nice try, but nobody is coming. I’ve always wanted to fuck you under the stars, too. So we’re in a bit of a predicament.”

I glanced up, as if I needed to confirm there was, in fact, a smattering of silvery stars overhead. “You’ve always wanted to, huh?”

“For at least the last two minutes. Yes.”

“I’ll make you a deal. If I get past you, then your dream stays a dream. If I don’t… Then we’ll see.”

Tristan planted his feet a little wider and crouched in an athletic stance. “So you’re saying you want this as much as I do? Because we both know there’s no way you’re getting past me.”

I bit back a smile, then let out my best war cry. I tried to lunge forward, but my foot slid, and I started to pinwheel my arms, nearly falling backward. Before I could topple off the roof, Tristan had me by the waist, pulling me into his chest. He sank down, sitting against the window again with me on top of him.

“That doesn’t count,” I said. “I was just doing that as a distraction.”

“No excuses, Wheels,” he said, rubbing my lower lip softly with his thumb. “Rules are rules.”

“My bed is right through that window.”

“Not nearly romantic enough,” he said, rolling me onto my back. And straddling me.

I wiggled as the grainy shingles dug into my back. “Yeah, because shingle burn is so much hotter.”

Despite my attempts to tease him, there was something magical about it—seeing his dark form silhouetted by stars as he sat on top of me.

Feeling the unsettlingly sloped roof below me.

Knowing we were outside, exposed for anyone who happened to come by and think to look.

Like everything else with Tristan, it was a thrill. “Why is being with you so much like riding a rollercoaster?” I asked.

“Wait a second,” he said. “Which rollercoasters have tried to put their dick in you so persistently? Because I swear, I’ll fuck them up.”

I grinned. “I mean it always feels like I’ve just got to let go and throw my hands in the air when we’re together.”

“This is a roof, Kennedy. I wouldn’t advise either of those right now.”

I swatted at his leg. “Forget it. You’re just going to make me feel stupid if I try to explain.”

He bent down, kissing me. “Don’t feel stupid. If you’re trying to say you wanted a ride, all you had to do was ask.”