I used my fingers to explore her entrance while I pulled moan after moan from her with my mouth. I curled them inside her, finding the spot that seemed to drive her to another level of pleasure, until her back was arching against me and she was panting as she humped my face.

“Not yet,” I said, pulling away when I sensed she was close to coming for me. “Get on your knees.”

Nola got up and her dress fell back down, covering her again. She was breathing so hard and her hair was a mess of red tangles already.

“Go on,” I said.

Her eyes fell to my slacks, which were straining to contain my cock. “You want me to…”

“I want you to unzip my pants and put my cock in your mouth.”

“I guess that doesn’t leave a lot of room for interpretation.”

“Do you always talk when you’re nervous?”

Nola’s wide eyes darted up from my cock to meet my gaze. “Actually… I think I always talk. In general. But I have a feeling it’ll be harder with that thing in my mouth.”

I waited. She seemed to gather her courage, then unzipped my pants, struggled with my belt, and pulled my slacks down. With hesitant fingers, she pulled my briefs down and freed my cock.

“Wow. What do you feed this thing?”

When I didn’t answer, she swallowed, then licked her lips. “Guess I’ll just…” she muttered, gripping the base of my length. “Get to business.”

I grinned when she wasn’t looking, then had to clench my teeth to stop from groaning with pleasure. Even the soft pressure of her fingers around me felt too good. I looked back down just in time to see her open her mouth and take me inside.

She was warm velvet against me. Wet, slick, and absolutely fucking wonderful.

I let out a low noise and fisted her hair, urging her to take me deeper.

Nola made a sound with me in her mouth that I felt vibrate through my cock. “Still trying to talk?” I asked.

She pulled back. “Asking questions during a blowjob is like when the hygienist tries to talk to you while cleaning your teeth. Like—”

I still had my hand on her hair, which I used to push her face forward so my cock was in her mouth again. We could talk all about hygienists later, if she wanted. Right now, I needed her mouth. I needed to be inside her. To feel her.

To fuck her.

Because I felt like I was going to explode if I didn’t feel her pussy around me soon. If I didn’t see her eyes roll back and hear her gasp my name as she came.

“That’s so good,” I said, running my fingertips along her scalp as she bobbed up and down on me, fist pumping in rhythm with her movements.

Like the adorable dork I was realizing she was, Nola shot me an appreciative thumbs up with her free hand without stopping.

This woman. She was going to absolutely undo me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Was there?24NolaJack was big. Like imagine however big you would picture if your friend said, ‘that guy was hung,’ then add twenty or thirty percent to whatever you were picturing. These were the thoughts bouncing around my brain as I felt my lips stretching to fit him in my mouth and tried my best to act like I knew how to give a halfway decent blowjob.

But every time I stole a look upward, Jack looked to be thoroughly enjoying himself. I pulled him from my mouth and ran my tongue up his length, watching as the simple act made his knees buckle slightly and he let out a deep, satisfied sound. His fist went tighter in my hair.

I had a bad habit of talking dirty in my head. Like bad porno dirty talk.

Yeah, you like that, hot stuff? You like when I lick you from the base to the tip? I bet you—-

Jack was giving me a strange look.

I stopped. “Did I do something wrong?”

“I just didn’t take you for a dirty talker.”

I replayed the last few seconds, straining to remember them as accurately as I could. “Do you read minds?”

“Not unless your mind makes sounds while your mouth moves. Hot Stuff,” he added with a wicked grin.

As odd as it sounds to say, I started sucking his dick to avoid having to respond to that. Yes. I pulled the old can’t answer your question with a dick in my mouth trick.

My embarrassment was forgotten when Jack apparently had enough of waiting. He stepped backwards. “On your hands and knees.”

I found myself complying automatically. I waited for him there, pantyless, more soaked than I thought I’d ever been in my life, and knowing he was watching.

I felt the bed rock as he came closer, then he lifted my dress and let out a grunt of appreciation.