Damon interrupted. “Cost isn’t an issue,” Damon said with a wave of his hand. “I just want to make sure this sells to the media. We’ve already got quite a bit of worry from Chris’ sponsors after the change from Mindy to you. I don’t know if you’ve seen, but they’ve made the connection to your mishap in Texas, and they’re having a blast trying to turn this into some sort of conspiracy. It’s not exactly painting Chris in the calm, settled down light we were going for.”

“What are you suggesting?” Belle asked.

“That you two need to do some work selling the fact that you’re madly in love to the public. Pretending you were trying to keep things private and intimate was fine before the talks of a scandal started. Now I think it’s going to take more.”

“Then double whatever that figure is she gave you for the trip,” I said. “I’ll go with her to scout out the venues. My wifey and I can get some quality time in together and pose for a few pictures. Maybe some poolside shots. A staged, but believable clandestine shot of me rubbing oil on her bare back from our beachside balcony? Oh, wait. What about a leaked sex tape?”

Damon and I both glared at Chris, who threw his hands up.

“Hey, I’m just putting ideas out there.”

“Maybe he has a point,” Damon said with a sigh. “And not about the specifics, but the idea of you two making some public shows of affection.”

“No way,” Belle said. “We’re not posing for an oil rub down-”

“No. I mean about him coming with you to Europe. It could be good for optics.”

“I guess it would be helpful to have him nearby to approve a venue. But Chris is a distraction I don’t really need while I’m trying to work.”

“Well,” I said. “Sounds like someone will need to put their professional pants on and show a little self-control, won’t they?”

Belle shook her head at me in disgust. “Speaking of being professional, aren’t you supposed to be some kind of NFL player? Aren’t you in the middle of a football season? Are you really able to just pick up mid-week and go to Europe?”

I stood up so she could see the brace around my thigh and knee. “Pulled a hamstring.”

“So? Aren’t you guys supposed to play even if your eyeballs are dangling out of their sockets or something?”

I cringed. “I can run about as fast as a grandmother on her way to a sale on flowers right now.”

“What does that even mean?”

“The enthusiasm is there, but my body can’t quite match it.”

Damon interjected. “He has a specialist in London we use for physical therapy. The team is letting him have a few days to rehab overseas, but they’re hoping he’ll be ready by Sunday.”

“So am I going to have to push him around Europe in a wheelchair?”

“Is that on the table?” I asked. “Because I’m in.”

“Look,” Damon said, ignoring both of us. “Chris will come along but it’s not because you actually need his approval for anything. We just need to make sure you two are seen together. Ideally making googly eyes and holding hands.”

“If the wedding venue and details didn’t matter, you could’ve hired anyone to do this. But people will spot it from a mile away if Chris had no input in the ceremony. So regardless of what you think, I still want to get the wedding right, too.”

I nodded. “See? This is why we pay her the big bucks.”

“No,” Damon said. “I pay her the big bucks because your dumbass made sure she was the only person we could possibly use for this job.”

I grinned. “Well, yeah. There’s also that. So, Belle, are you a window seat or an aisle seat kind of girl? Or should I just figure out how spacious the bathrooms are?”

Damon covered his face with his hands.23BelleI watched Damon plunge his face into his hands as Chris wore his trademark crooked smile. I was starting to think Chris fed off dirty looks and exasperated sighs, so I gave him neither. I scooped up my things, nodded curtly, then headed for the door.

I couldn’t believe I was going to Europe alone with Chris. I will not sleep with him on this trip. I will not sleep with him on this trip.

I got outside the office and pressed my back to the door, trying to gather some mental fortitude before I continued.

Then I heard Chris’ muffled voice through the door.

“I bet she thinks she’s not going to end up sleeping with me on this trip.”

Damon groaned. “Is there even an ounce of professionalism in that thick head of yours?”

“Somewhere, maybe. But I mean, come on. Have you seen her? You’d be preoccupied with her too if she was your wifey.”

“First of all, I have a ‘wifey.’ Secondly, no, I wouldn’t. I know how to control my cock, unlike you.”