But still, I had to admire the length’s she’d gone to for a little piece of action from me.

If she thought I was going to let things continue like nothing had happened, well… Then she really didn’t know me well enough yet.

I could hear her muttering with Milly about something outside the dressing room.

I stood there, racking my brain for some elegant, subtle way to let her know that I knew she still couldn’t stop thinking about me. But what was the perfect move?

That was when it hit me. Minus the subtle, elegant part, at least.21BelleIt felt like it had been too long. Milly was giving me tips on picking out shoes that wouldn’t hurt my feet—a subject she was apparently very passionate about. That was when I heard Chris at the door of the dressing room.

“Uh, Belle? Can you come in here a sec?”

Milly and I exchanged a look. We both must have assumed he just wanted help with a button or something, and Milly followed me in as I pulled the door open. We froze before we’d taken a step into the room.

Chris Rose was standing with his fists on his hips, naked as the day he was born. His proud smile faded when he noticed Milly was beside me. There was also a bowtie neatly done and tied to sit just above his...

Both our eyes went down to his extremely erect penis. I rushed forward, using my body to cover him from Milly, who appeared too stunned to react.

“Oh,” Chris said. “You should at least wait until she’s not in the room.”

Of course, in an effort to cover him up, I’d pressed myself against his naked body—and his erection, which was digging into my belly.

Milly started laughing hysterically just as I turned my head and saw Chelsea round the corner. Thankfully, they probably couldn’t see much anymore with me in front of him, but I could only imagine what Chelsea must’ve thought at the sight of us.

The door swung shut before Luna could get a glimpse, and I heard hushed, harsh whispers along with Luna’s little voice and a million questions.

I pushed off Chris, then gave his chest a little shove. “What the hell are you doing? Did you lose your mind in here?”

“I didn’t ask for Milly to come with you,” he said, chuckling. “Shouldn’t my wifey have a little more natural possessiveness than to let another woman into my dressing room?”

I threw his pants at him, which he thankfully held over himself, even if it wasn’t with much shame. I could still see way, way too much, and this was about the last place in the world I wanted to get all hot and bothered. I used my usual trick of looking above his head, hoping my peripheral vision wouldn’t absorb too much.

“I’m not your wifey. And you’d been in here so long I figured you were dressed.”

Chris shrugged.

“What were you trying to accomplish, anyway? And why are you so hard?”

Chris moved the pants away from his cock, which was still full-mast and throbbing. I hated that the sight of it made my knees want to go weak. I hated that he could blunt force me over the head with how much I wanted him. I wished I didn’t crave him like I did, but I did my best to pretend it wasn’t affecting me.

“Well,” he said, covering himself again. He lowered his voice, leaning in close. “I had this fantasy where you came in, saw me naked, and then you lifted up that skirt and let me take you from behind. I’d just pull your panties to the side and give it to you quick. From there, the hard cock kind of came naturally.”

I took a slow, shuddering breath. “You can’t do things like this.”

“If you’re going to try to pretend you don’t want it, I’ll have no choice but to keep doing things like this.”

I swallowed. “I’m not pretending,” I said in a hushed voice. “I’m trying my hardest to be a responsible adult. We both have a job to do with this fake wedding. I have a business to save, and you have a career to salvage. Neither of us need to complicate things by screwing like bunnies every chance we get.”

“Yeah? There’s a tarantula named Leg-olas who wants to know why you risked his life and eight limbs for a little booty call last night, then.”

My cheeks went hot with embarrassment. “He’s quicker than he looks. He would’ve got away if you tried to hurt him, so he was safe.”

“Right,” Chris bent his neck, planting a kiss on my earlobe that I wasn’t strong enough to pull away from. I closed my eyes, letting it happen. “I’ll put my clothes on. I can tell you’re about to lose it if this goes on much longer. I just needed you to remember you can’t fight it forever. You can’t even fight it for one day, Belle. Remember that.”