And now my only option was to model them for Chris Rose—the same Chris Rose who had screwed me so soundly on an airplane just a few days ago that my dreams were still haunted by it.

Deep breaths.

Deep, deep breaths. Also, no more food today, because if I was going to fit in the dresses, I’d had custom delivered for Mindy, I was going to need to suck in my stomach with all the force of a thousand Amazonian warriors. The last thing I needed was a full belly.

But I did swing in a convenience store and grab just one candy bar on the way home. They all went to my ass, anyway.7ChrisBelle looked less than thrilled when she met me at the little boutique on the Eastside. The place was a bridezilla’s dream. It looked like some kind of monster had eaten a cargo boat full of lace, then barfed it all up in here.

Belle was wearing an uncharacteristically casual outfit of bright-colored running shorts and a t-shirt. Her hair was pulled up but looked freshly washed.

I had to take a moment to drink her in. The truth was, I’d expected this entire “fake wedding” thing to be like some wild party. I’d get shacked up with a random hottie my brother hired. We’d fuck. We’d pose for some pictures, say our I do's, and I’d get my contract extension. As the mobsters would say, “bada bing, bada boom.”

Except the plan was already off to a rocky start. Problem one had been the moment I introduced my dick to Belle’s pussy. The introduction had been swift—not excessively swift, mind you—and I felt like both parties walked away with a glowing first impression.

Worse, I traditionally allowed my dick roughly fifty percent control of daily operations. It was like a dickocracy, and no, I had no idea if I was making up that word or not.

But things were different now. I was supposed to put my dick in the backseat. It was like a betrayal. Like I’d been one of those bastards plunging the knives in Caesar’s back. I could just picture my dick writhing in agony as I told it we had to stay away from Belle. “Et tu, Chrise?” Et me, buddy. Et me.”

Belle gave me the traditional palms up followed by a side thigh slap signal when she spotted me. In other words, “What the hell?”

“No idea,” I said. “Mindy said she had something going on and couldn’t make it.”

“She realizes this isn’t something I can just reschedule, right? These designers won’t send the dresses a second time, and we’re just borrowing them for a few hours unless we want to fork over the money to buy them.”

“That’s why I brought my lovely model today.”

Belle rolled her eyes, then gestured to herself. “More like you brought in a wet dog off the street instead of the well-groomed pup for the dog food commercial.”

“I wasn’t going to ask, but it’s good to know you’re wet already. I can’t say we’ll be needing that today, but still, good to know.”

Belle’s nostrils flared. Cute. “I’m not even going to acknowledge that.”

“That’s kind of like when people say, ‘I’m speechless.’ No, you’re not. You just spoke.”

“Are you trying to make me bail on this? Because it’s about to work.”

“Nope. Just trying to lighten the mood. You looked a little stiff when you came in.”

“Yeah, well, try having lunch with my family. You’d be a little stiff too.”

“Oh? Why, is your mom or sister my type?”

“Chris…” Belle warned.

I had to stop myself from pressing my luck. But I found something deeply enjoyable in the way she had to try so hard not to smile. She probably felt like she wasn’t allowed to smile when I flirted, given that I was supposedly engaged.

“Okay. Well, the ladies said they’re ready when we are. Do you want me to wait out here, or come in the dressing room with you to save time?”

There went her nostrils again. Instead of answering me, Belle just stalked off toward the dressing rooms. A short while later, I heard muffled voices and a door close.

I scooted to another bench where I could see the area she was in. It was an old saloon style door, and for some reason, there was about a foot-high gap from the bottom of the door to the floor.

My dick—the one I’d tragically been forced to send into hibernation—stirred to life. Now, I wasn’t a creep. I wasn’t about to press myself to the floor and turn my head so I could see as much as possible.

I did, however, need to tie my shoe. But untied shoes were hardly a time sensitive issue, so I waited until I heard the telltale swish of clothing hitting the floor.

As casually as I could, I leaned down for my shoe. A man could only control his eyes so much, and mine found themselves wandering the room. Yes, I looked at the entire room, not just that tantalizing little gap of space where I knew Belle was probably standing in her underwear at this very moment.