I felt the familiar swirl of heat in my stomach. “Stop that, unless you plan to finish what you’re starting.”

“I always finish.”

I grinned. “Yeah. On my face. On my chest. On my ass.”

“Inside you,” he added.

I swallowed. I wasn’t sure if I was reading too much into it, but I almost wondered if that was some kind of hint. Was he asking if I wanted to try for another baby? No. Because that would be insane so soon. Still, the idea of feeling him have his release deep inside me made me want to jump his bones right then and there.

“Is there a reason you’re harassing me, Mr. Rose?”

“A few.”

“Care to enlighten me?”

He walked around to the back of my chair and put his hands on my shoulders. “This hairstyle isn’t appropriate, for starters.” Damon fisted my hair and pulled my head back a little roughly so I was looking up at him. He bent low like he was going to kiss me, then moved his lips to my ear. “And your dress is wildly provocative. You’re going to distract my staff. You’ll have them thinking about tearing off your blouse and sucking your nipples. Of dipping their fingers in you to the knuckles… And I don’t permit teasing at Rose Athletic.”

“Maybe your employees shouldn’t have such dirty minds, Mr. Rose.”

He slid a hand down my blouse, even though the blinds on my office windows were open. Thankfully, the few employees who still hadn’t left were sitting with the backs to us. “You drive me fucking wild, Chelsea.”

I kissed his forearm, grinning to myself. “Good. I like it that way.”

“When can I have you to myself?”

“That depends. How long will it take you to close those blinds?”

Among his many talents, Damon Rose was also extremely quick on his feet when properly motivated. I didn’t have a stopwatch handy, but I would’ve clocked his speed to the blinds and back at less than five seconds.

What followed was not quick.41Epilogue - DamonEver since I was a kid, there had always been something special about going to the fair. I remembered simpler times, like when Chris was still a middle school athlete catching the eyes of high school coaches and even college recruiters. We’d come to these things and swarms of little middle school fan girls would follow us at a suspiciously close distance.

My parents were always in good moods at the fair. They’d buy us funnel cakes and giant, disgusting legs of turkey on a stick. They’d stuff as many tickets as we could hold into our hands and smile when we wanted to ride the same thing over and over.

It turned out Chelsea had similarly fond memories of fairs, and we’d been meaning to go for months.

We took Luna with us and let her lead the way. We ended up changing strategy after she showed no intentions of ever leaving the game where she got to shoot water at little ducks in kiddie pools. Eventually, we talked her into riding the Ferris wheel.

Chelsea and Luna sandwiched me in the center, and we all felt the wind blow cool against our hair when the ride started to rotate.

“Are you going to give mommy another baby?” Luna asked.

I held back a smile, then looked to Chelsea who was red-faced with embarrassment.

“That’s not really something we should talk about right now, sweetie,” Chelsea explained.

“I’d love to give your mom another baby, but it wouldn’t be right unless we were married.”

“Were you married when you gave me to mommy?” Luna asked.

“Well…” Chelsea was bulging her eyes at me, probably hoping I could save her.

I’d always assumed brutal honesty was the best course with children. “We didn’t know you were going to happen when we met, but we’re both really happy you did.”

Luna giggled. “You’re being silly. You have to put me in mommy’s belly button to make me. You did too know I was going to happen.”

“I was wearing gloves,” I said stiffly.

“Was mommy’s belly button wearing a glove?”

I looked up at the bright lights of the Ferris wheel, wishing I could think of a way out of this conversation. “Uh…”

“I had a belly plug in. It’s like the thing that goes in the sink.”

Luna frowned in thought. “So how did I get in, then?”

“Daddy’s finger was too big and strong, so it, uh—”

“The point is,” I interrupted. I dug in my pocket for the little smooth box. I held it up for Chelsea to see. “If I want to put another baby in your mom’s… bellybutton, I’ve got to put this on her finger, first.”

“Oh. Then do it!” Luna said, clapping.

Chelsea’s eyes darted between mine and the box. “Is that what I think it is?”

“You know,” I said, making like I was about to put it back in my pocket. “Maybe I should think about this a little longer.”