35DamonChelsea personally thanked the tennis players when they’d finished their match. I had to grit my teeth when she shook Trevor Castle’s hand. I could just imagine how he still wanted a shot with her, and it made me want to slam him up against another wall.

It was stupid, I knew. A deep, uncontrollable protectiveness had been building inside me for Chelsea. I had five years to make up for. Five years that she’d been struggling to work multiple jobs. Five years of sacrifices to protect her daughter. Our daughter.

I owed her the world, and I was only just beginning to feel it sink in.

Still, I behaved. I didn’t say a word as she had a quick and casual conversation with the players and their coaches.

Chelsea followed me out of the tennis courts when they were done.

Trish Jameson was waiting outside the court with Tia Klein when we emerged. Both women looked smug.

I put one hand in front of Chelsea, almost as if I expected them to try to pounce on her. “Who told you we were here?” I demanded.

Tia raised her hand and eyebrows. “Turns out your staff is extremely horny and open to persuasion. I practically just had to breathe on your security guard to get access to your agenda.”

“Do I want to know why either of you are here?”

“Probably not,” Trish said. “But Tia is going to be working with me from now on. I figured I’d have the same conversation with Trevor once we’re done here, too.”

I clenched my teeth. My brother’s situation had been deteriorating with his team. In other words, Rose Athletic needed faces like Tia Klein and Trevor Castle. I’d be lying if I said losing both wouldn’t be a serious blow. “What’s this really about, Trish?”

She smirked. “The same thing it has always been about. You don’t deserve the things you have. I do. So I’ll take them, and I’ll keep taking them until I’m satisfied.”

I shook my head. Before I could speak, Chelsea pushed forward.

“We’d like to see you try, bitch.”

Easy there, Killer. “How about this,” I suggested. “You keep trying to do whatever is you’re doing, and we’ll continue not giving a shit. Sound fair?”

Trish scoffed. “You can pretend all you want, Damon. I know this is hurting your bank account.”

“My bank account will survive. Thanks for the concern. And you, Tia. You’re sure you want to team up with her? She’s more worried about screwing me over than how this turns out for you.”

Tia shrugged. “Maybe next time you’ll be a little smarter when one of your athletes needs a little special attention.”

I sighed. So it was about that? I knew I could go to Trevor and try to prepare him for whatever bullshit Trish and Tia were about to throw his way. Instead, I took Chelsea’s hand and led her toward the large house. I’d planned a date, and I didn’t intend for Trish or Tia to ruin that.

Chelsea looked back as I pulled her away. “That’s all? Aren’t we going to throw down or something?”

“No. They’re not worth it.”

“Is she right, though? Can you afford to lose both Tia and Trevor?”

“So long as Chris keeps his head out of his ass? Yes.”

We headed toward the large house in silence until Chelsea finally spoke. “It’s going to be hard to top that,” she said. “I mean, the surprise appearance from the two wicked bitches of the west was a twist I didn’t see coming. So far, we’ve had sports and drama. What else do you have planned to round out the evening, Mr. Rose?”

I chuckled. She had such a sexy way of saying ‘Mr. Rose,’ and I was almost certain she knew it. “Winning clients is about winning confidence. Start with the heavy guns. It loosens them up and they’ll be more open to persuasion.”

She gave me a funny look. “And what do you do if the agent trying to persuade you is trying to keep you at arm’s length?”

I stopped. We were just outside the front porch of the mansion with giant oak double doors to our side. “Arm’s length?” I wrapped my hand around her waist and pulled her close to me. “If you mean like this…”

“No,” she said, pulling back. “I mean how I feel like I need to know the whole story with this Trish woman. I feel like there’s more than you’re letting on. And I mean, yeah. I’m attracted to you. Yeah, you gave me an awesome job. Yeah, I appreciate everything. But you. I need to know the real you.”

I took a deep breath. “Okay. What do you want to know?”

“I want to know what happened with you two.”

“It was complicated.”

“That’s not good enough. I know she screwed you over. She stole your clients. Broke your heart, probably. But I still feel like there’s something you’re not telling me, and there can’t be any more secrets.”