I was a stubborn, pain in the ass, never takes ‘no’ for an answer kind of girl. And in the right circumstances, one could even go as far as to call me a certifiable badass. Okay, Chelsea. You’re stretching the truth now.

The point was I didn’t plan to cower with my tail between my legs forever. Damon and I needed to have a conversation like two grown ass adults. That was all.

I knocked softly on Damon’s office door. “Can I come in?” I asked.

There was a grunt from inside.

I walked in and saw Damon’s computer monitor was covered in little pink scooters. “Do you think she’d like this one?”

“Who? Do you have a girlfriend I don’t know about?”


I walked closer, suppressing a smile. Was he seriously planning to start showering her with gifts? I hoped he knew there wasn’t enough room for much more than a few extra handfuls of air in my apartment. “She has been wanting one with just two wheels. She says those three wheeled ones are for ‘kids.’”

“She is a kid. And wouldn’t three wheels be safer?”

I patted his arm softly before I thought about what I was doing. “You have a lot to learn.”

My hand on his arm seemed to wake both of us up to the reality of where we stood. He turned his attention from the computer to my hand. “We need to figure this out. Us.”

“Then I need to actually get to know you. More than just feelings and instincts. Or maybe real dates instead of business trips.”

Damon nodded. “Tonight at seven. I’ll pay your brother a thousand dollars to watch Luna for the night if that’s what it takes.”

“My brother would watch Luna for a ham sandwich, but something tells me a thousand dollars will do the trick, too.”

“Good. Then it’s a date. Also, your office is next door. Where Gary’s used to be.”

“What happened to Gary?”

“I promoted him so I could have the space for you.”

“I can’t decide if I should be disgusted or flattered.”

“Get used to it. I want you now, Chelsea. Before, I wasn’t sure what I wanted. Now I know exactly how this is going to play out. How it needs to play out.”

God, Damon could be so intense. It was hard not to believe every single word that came out of his mouth when it came to what he was going to do. I wasn’t sure the man was capable of failure. Except now he’d apparently decided failure would be if he didn’t get me for himself. “How is that?”

“By doing whatever it takes. By not giving a shit that you work for me or that I’m your boss. You’re going to be mine, and we’re going to be a fucking family. Luna deserves that. You deserve it.”

“Well, send Dick over at seven, then.”

“You can have dick right now.” He was completely straight faced, and I couldn’t tell if he was joking until his lips curved up at the corners a few seconds later.

I shook my head. “It’s unnerving when you try to be funny, you know.”

“I’ll work on it. Oh, and I don’t care if we are fucking. If you want to keep your new position, I expect you to have signed your first athlete by the end of the week. If you have any questions about where to start, you can ask Judy. Don’t ask David.”

“Why not? I thought David was one of the top agents here.”

“Because I don’t want David staring at your breasts. Those are mine, too.”

I felt a rush of heat spread in my stomach. Of course, there were the obvious workplace harassment arguments to be made. Except I didn’t find myself wanting to make a single one of them. I wanted everything Damon seemed to want, and I had a feeling he knew it. But we both knew I couldn’t just launch myself into a relationship blindly, not without being sure. Luna deserved that much from me.

“Got it. Show a little ass and David will be happy to help me with anything I need.”

“Don’t tempt me to use company time to fuck that naughty edge right out of your system.”

I raised my eyebrows, then swallowed. I wished I had been clever enough to snap back with something witty, but all I could do was hold back the flood of deliciously sexy images bombarding my consciousness. Damon tearing that silky black shirt open and then spinning me around to bend over his desk. His hands hungrily tearing at my clothes. The sensation of my arousal lubricating his thick length into me. My walls tight and—

“I’ll be good,” I said, cutting off my own desperate thoughts. This was bad. Self-control felt like a long-forgotten friend at the moment, and I knew my ability to resist jumping on Damon’s lap was only held back by the faintest thread of resistance.