He released the breath he was holding. “You’re right.”

“Just try to relax. And don’t think about it.” He’d been thinking about it all day, and that made his entire body tense, from his arms to his eyes. When he clenched his jaw, he probably ground his teeth together.

He nodded. “You’re right. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He leaned in and kissed me before he got out.

I watched him go before Ronnie pulled away, and I hoped my words would make a difference.17DerekMy driver dropped me off outside the bar, and I stepped out in dark jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. I approached the doors but didn’t go inside right away. I dragged my fingers across my jawline, thinking about the task ahead of me. I didn’t spend my time thinking about Kevin, and thankfully, I hadn’t seen him once in ten years. I didn’t look him up on social media, so I had no idea what he looked like, if he’d changed at all. I hoped he wouldn’t talk to me, and I hoped Ryan had relayed to him that I wouldn’t be interested if he tried to pursue it.

But Kevin wasn’t the center of attention this evening.

It was Ryan.

I shouldn’t care about Kevin. I shouldn’t think about him. I shouldn’t let him affect my mood like this, make me so angry when I’d spent the last ten years being angry enough. He was the one who’d decided to be a dick, so he could be uncomfortable all night.

Not me.

After my little pep talk, I made my way inside the bar.

It was dark, there was loud music overhead, people were gathered at the large bar getting drinks, mingling at the standing tables, and sitting in the dark booths around the edges. People danced in the center, holding their glasses as they enjoyed the beginning of the weekend.

It didn’t take me long to spot them across the room, lounging in a large leather seating area with various chairs. At least a dozen guys were spread out talking to one another, most of the men guys I knew, but some I didn’t.

I didn’t look for Kevin.

I looked at Ryan, who took a shot then wiped his mouth with his forearm.

It looked like he was having a good time.

I went to the bar, ordered a scotch, and then walked over.

When Ryan saw me approach, he raised his fist in the air. “Here comes the best man!”

The guys all raised their voices and their drinks.

Ryan was clearly already drunk, his cheeks red and a loopy grin on his face.

I grinned as I came close and gave him a one-armed hug. “Damn, you’re already drunk, and it’s eight o’clock. So much for being casual.” I patted him on the back before I gripped his shoulder.

“You’re such an asshole, and I fucking love you.” He cupped my face and pressed a big kiss to my cheek.

All the guys laughed.

I patted him on the back. “Yeah, this just turned into a bachelor party.”

“Woo-hoo!” Ryan raised his glass and took a drink, but he somehow missed his lips and got it all over himself.

I snapped my fingers to his friend Brett. “Get this man another drink.”

Brett chuckled and went to the bar.

Ryan looked down at his shirt like he had no idea what happened. “My baby is gonna be pissed. She got this for me.”

“She’ll marry you anyway, so don’t worry about it.” I dropped my arm and pulled out the cap from my back pocket. “I got this for you.”

He took it and narrowed his eyes as he tried to read it. “This asshole is getting married…” He laughed then put it on his head. “Damn right, I am. And I’m gonna be fucking my wife every night like bow-chicka-wow-wow…”

I patted his back. “I’m sure you will, man.”

Brett came back with another drink for Ryan.

I raised my glass. “To Ryan, the asshole who’s probably only going to remember half of the shit about to go down…”

The rest of the guys raised their glasses and took a drink.

Ryan didn’t miss his mouth this time. “Yaaasssss!”Kevin was there.

He looked the same as he used to, tall, fit, with the same light-colored hair styled in the same way. He made eye contact with me once, but we never looked at each other again. There were a few guys at the party, so I never really had to interact with him directly.

It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

We had a good time, and Ryan had a good time, and that was all that really mattered.

Ryan eventually had so much to drink that we gave him water instead of vodka, and then he lay on one of the leather chairs to go to sleep. He pulled the bill of his hat over his face so he could cover his eyes and just lie there.