Dex chuckled then pulled out his phone. “Can I get a picture? You know the folks will love it.”

“It’ll go on the mantle over the fireplace forever. Are you sure we should subject ourselves to that?”

He shrugged. “I think it’s unavoidable.”

Their interactions were amusing, especially since it was so different from the relationship Derek had with his parents. They seemed to be friends more than family, which probably made their relationship stronger. “I’ll take it.”

Dex pulled out his phone and handed it to me before he came around the table.

“I’m surprised you’re in town,” Derek said as he watched his brother move around the table.

“Well, I took a trip up.” He sat beside Derek. “Couldn’t miss my big brother’s first and probably only book signing.” He moved his arm around Derek’s shoulders and gave him a squeeze.

Derek’s eyes softened like it meant a lot to him.

I stood in front of the table and took a few photos. “Very cute…”

“You hear that?” Dex asked. “Your assistant thinks I’m cute.” He nudged him in the side before he stood up.

“My girlfriend thinks you’re cute,” Derek said. “Dex, this is Emerson. Baby, this is my brother.”

Both of his eyebrows rose off his face. “Say whaaaaat?” His eyes shifted back and forth between us. “No way. You got this beautiful woman to put up with your shit?” Dex turned to me. “You know this guy is an asshole, right?”

I smiled. “He’s not an asshole to me.” I extended my hand to shake his.

He grinned as he gave me a firm grip. “Now it all makes sense.” He winked before he said goodbye to his brother. “I’ll see you later. You know, if you aren’t too much of a hotshot to have a beer with your brother.”

“I’ll see how I feel…”

Dex walked over to his parents off to the side and embraced them both. Deacon and Cleo smothered him with affection just like they did with Derek, squeezing him and giving him kisses on the forehead like he was still the little boy they remembered.

Derek took a moment before he greeted the next person.

“Your brother seems nice,” I said.

“Yeah.” Derek glanced to his right, as if to make sure Dex was out of earshot. “He’s the best.”

I grinned. “You don’t want him to hear you say that?”

He shrugged. “I’m supposed to give him shit, not let him know how much I actually like him.”7DerekThe signing ended when we ran out of books.

There were still people in line, so I took a few pictures with them, signing random pieces of paper they had, even one girl on her arm…which was weird. I felt like a rock star, when I hardly listened to music in the first place.

Once it was over, we packed up and prepared to leave.

My dad came to my side and rested his arm against my back. “You did good today.”

“Yeah, it wasn’t so bad.”

He smiled and gave me a gentle pat. “Your fans really love you.”

“Now I feel bad, taking so long to finish the next book.” Since I never made public appearances, I didn’t understand how much people valued my work. I got checks in the mail, but money meant nothing to me, so that wasn’t a good gauge.

Emerson smiled as she walked up to me. “I have a feeling the next one won’t take nearly as long this time.” She moved closer to me and placed her hand on my cheek to turn my face toward her. Indifferent to my father standing right there, she leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. “I’m proud of you. Not surprised how well you did, but very proud.” She patted me on the chest before she stepped aside.

The air was gone from my lungs once she moved away. My chin turned slightly to watch her leave, missing her perfume the second it was gone from my vicinity. I turned back to my dad, the spell slowly wearing off.

He wore a wide grin but didn’t say anything.

We left the bookstore and walked out onto the sidewalk, getting some fresh fall air after being inside all day. The red and brown leaves moved in the breeze down the sidewalk, and people tightened their coats as they passed us.

“You guys want to get something to eat?” Dad asked. “I got hungry just watching you.”

“Sounds like a good plan,” I said. “But only if I get to pick where we go.”

Mom grinned wide. “Thank god.”

Dad only looked amused. “That’s fair.”

I turned to Emerson. “What do you want, baby?”

She hesitated like the question was surprising. “Oh, you guys should go out together as a family, especially with your brother in town. I really don’t mind.”

I gave her a blank look, not understanding that at all.

My parents wore the exact same expression.

Emerson stood there, like she had no idea what to do with all those stares on her face.