My fingers automatically lifted her dress as I slid them underneath to feel her bare skin, even though it was dangerous to touch her that way when the whole point of our morning was to get out of the penthouse and do something together. But instead of feeling her soft skin, I felt lacy fabric.

My eyes glanced down, and I realized she wore a one-piece black teddy…with an open crotch.

Jesus Christ. “How am I supposed to have breakfast with you knowing you’re wearing that?” I was hard in my jeans the second she stepped into the penthouse, looking like a fucking wet dream in those boots.

“You’re not.” She lifted herself onto the edge of the table, the place where I did my work in the evenings. Then she opened her legs and grabbed my pants by the belt loops and tugged me closer to her. Her eyes were on me as she unfastened the belt and dropped the zipper, getting my bottoms down so my throbbing cock could emerge, ready to slide into her creamy slit.

An uncontrollable moan came from the back of my throat as I tilted her back and lifted her legs so I could slide myself inside her, slide into my favorite place in the world. She was just as perfect as always, drenched and anxious to feel me pound into her. Ten years had been spent wrapped in condoms, and now it was just me and one woman, me and this woman, nothing in between us except each other.

Her fingers dug into my arms so she could hold on, a loud moan escaping her lips as she felt all of me, my anxious body that was desperate to make love to her on my dining table, to see the tears run from her eyes when she came for me.

We held on to each other as we moved together, the window right behind us, the street chaotic but our world at peace. We breathed hard and moaned when our bodies hit each other perfectly, when she felt the pleasure I gave her, and I felt more because I succeeded. I’d always been good in bed, always been selfless with my lovers, but with Emerson, it was so much more…took so much more of me.

Because I gave her everything.We sat across from each other at a table near the window, the restaurant still busy even though most New Yorkers were at the office at this hour. We both had mugs of coffee, and I had steak and eggs, while she had a stack of pancakes drenched in syrup.

We didn’t say much.

I kept replaying that scene in my penthouse, lifting up her dress and having her while she still wore those boots. That was way better than all the screws in the alleyway, in the men’s restroom, in the front seat of my car because we couldn’t wait to get back to my place. Having such a deep connection to another person was so much more satisfying than empty sex. It was hard to believe I went so long without trying again, but it wasn’t really that hard to believe…because I hadn’t met Emerson until recently.

She dug her fork into her pancakes. “You sure you don’t want some?”

I shook my head and took a bite of my steak and eggs.

“It’s pretty good…”

I gave a slight smile before I continued to eat. “Not much of a sweet tooth.”

“Oh, then we’re never going to get along.”

I chuckled.

She sat there across from me, eating like she had no idea how beautiful she looked. Her glow didn’t come from the sun shining through the window on the fall day or the endorphins in her blood after the sex we’d had at my penthouse. It came from within, from her pure soul, from her heart. “So, Astra Books is scheduling a book signing here at the big bookstore in Times Square. It’ll take up a few hours of your Saturday. But once they started sending out information about it, they got a huge response.”

Just lost my appetite.

She studied my face, like she knew what I was thinking. “It’ll be fine, Derek.”

“Easy for you to say.”

“I know you’re going to be great. You have no idea how charismatic you are.”

I released a sarcastic laugh. “Baby, let’s not forget our first couple interactions.” Even in my anger, I still loved calling her that instead of having to use her first name all the time. It flowed off my tongue much easier.

“And let’s not forget what happened after we got past those interactions, and I got to see who you really are. So, let’s skip that beginning part and get to the good stuff.”

“What am I supposed to say to these people?”

“‘Hello? How are you? Who do I make this out to?’ Stuff like that.”

I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm.