The sound of his name made him lose himself within me, exploding between my legs, making a sexy moan that erupted from his throat and hit me right on the lips. His thrusts slowed as he pumped inside me.

My ankles remained locked around his waist because I didn’t want him to leave, not even when we were satisfied, not ever. I had to go home and get back to reality, but I wanted to live in this dream forever.

I cupped the back of his head and brought our faces close together. We were still breathing hard, still coming down from the high that took us away to a different place. I kissed him, feeling those silky lips between mine. “I love you.” The weight of two semi-trucks lifted off my shoulders now that I could freely speak my mind, share what was in my heart when I felt it, tell him with my words instead of just showing it with my heart.

He stared at me for a bit when he heard me say it, like he was memorizing it with that big brain of his, committing the moment to a kind of memory regular people like me didn’t have. “I love you too, baby.” He kissed me before he got off me and rolled to his side.

Now was the part of the evening I hated the most.

When it was time to go.

I’d never slept with him through the night, never woke up to the morning sunlight as it announced a new day. I had no idea if he snored, if he slept on his back or his stomach, or what true morning sex felt like.

He lay on his stomach and looked at the ceiling, slightly fingering his messy hair as he let his hot body cool off after being on top of me for an hour.

My phone started to vibrate on the floor.

I didn’t move.

Derek turned his head to me.

I sat up with a sigh and looked at the time on his nightstand. “Damn, I had no idea it was this late.” I got up and dug my phone out from the pile of clothes. It was my mom. I quickly answered it. “Hey, Mom—”

“Oh, thank god.” She released a heavy sigh into the phone. “I’ve been texting and calling. You scared the shit out of me.”

I felt guilty for dropping all my responsibilities in favor of getting lost with Derek for once, but I didn’t regret it. “I’m sorry, Mom. I got caught up at work, and I didn’t have reception in the appliance building.”

“I’m just glad you’re okay. You hear horror stories…”

“I’m a hundred percent fine. I’ll be home soon.”

“Alright. Lizzie had dinner and showered. She’s in bed now.”

“Okay. Thanks, Mom.” I hung up then sat at the edge of Derek’s bed, naked, seeing my stomach slightly hanging out in the reflection of the glass windows. I quickly sucked it in even though he couldn’t see it anyway. The guy could be slouching shirtless on the couch, and his stomach was still as flat as a piece of wood.

Derek sat up behind me and pressed his hand against my back, taking up the entire thing with his palm. “Everything alright, baby?”

“Yeah. Mom was just worried.”

“It is late…lost track of time.”

I stood up and grabbed my clothes from the floor. “I don’t regret it.” I started to pull on my clothes. “But I should have texted my mom and said I would be late.”

Derek watched me get dressed before he got up and put on his sweatpants and hoodie.

I always volunteered to get myself home, but he always denied my offer, so I’d just stopped offering. I was never afraid to get around the city. I had my pepper spray tucked in my purse and ready to be used at a moment’s notice. One time, I walked down the street, and a guy heckled me. When I passed, he shoved his hand up my skirt and grabbed my ass. I kneed him so hard in the balls that he collapsed on the sidewalk and screamed. I could still hear him even when I was three blocks away. But it was definitely nice not to have to walk in the cold or spend an additional twenty minutes walking when my man could just drive me…in his million-dollar car.

We moved into the entryway, and I grabbed my purse and one of the books he’d signed for me. I smiled as I looked at it before tucking it into my bag. We left and headed into the garage, where he fired up his beast of a car and drove me onto the quiet streets of Manhattan, heading to where my apartment was at the very edge.

I glanced at him beside me, loving the way the interior lights blanketed his handsome face in a beautiful glow. His was a big man who was almost too large for the car, his muscular thighs spread apart and his thick arm resting on the center console as he drove with one hand. I could stare at him forever and question my reality.