I wore a slight smile as I watched her leave my apartment. “Thanks, Mom.”Derek had a hectic day, so I left him alone so he could work.

He’d missed half the day yesterday because he dropped everything to come to Lizzie’s school, and now he had to make up for that lost time. We didn’t even pick him up in the morning because he drove himself to the lab at five in the morning.

I brought him breakfast since I knew he didn’t eat, I dropped off lunch later, and then I kept myself busy with other things. Every time I saw him, he was working on a 3-D model he built with Jerome and Pierre, troubleshooting hypothetical scenarios and running the simulations on their computers.

I didn’t even get a chance to talk to him about yesterday.

I continued to wait, knowing he would tell me when the moment was right. I brought dinner that night, and Jerome and Pierre were still there because they were caught up in the project too.

I set up the food on the table so the guys could help themselves, and when they didn’t even look, I knew whatever took their focus was more important. I watched Derek for a while, wondering if I should tell him I was about to leave, but I didn’t want to interrupt him, so I grabbed my bag and walked toward the exit.

He must have seen me with my bag because he said, “Baby?”

I turned back around and saw him set his things down and walk toward me.

“I’m sorry. I just got—”

“Don’t apologize. I know you’ve had a busy day. I just didn’t want to interrupt you to say goodbye.”

He stopped in front of me, his eyes softening. “Don’t ever leave without saying goodbye to me. I don’t care how busy I am.” His arms circled my waist in front of his colleagues, and he leaned in and kissed me.

I kissed him back, holding on to him tightly, not wanting to let him go. I wanted to go to his penthouse and be together, but I knew he couldn’t leave. I’d already taken up his time yesterday, time he couldn’t afford to lose.

He pulled away and wore a disappointed look, like he didn’t want to let me go either.

My hands moved to his wrists. “You think you could come over tonight?”

He stilled at the question, his eyes narrowing in confusion.

“I just…want to be with you tonight. I can’t leave Lizzie alone in the apartment…”

His eyes narrowed less when he started to understand. “You want me to sneak in?”

“She’s in bed at eight thirty and asleep at nine, so…”

He looked down for a moment as he considered the question. “I would hate for Lizzie to find out that way.”

“She won’t. Our bedrooms are on different sides of the hallway, and there’s a bathroom between us.” And honestly, I didn’t care that much about Lizzie knowing anymore. I knew Derek wasn’t going anywhere, and the two of them had a good relationship.

He considered it before he looked at me again. “Okay.”

I kissed him again. “I’ll see you later, then.”Derek texted me at ten. I’m outside.

Coming. I left my bedroom and walked down the hall to Lizzie’s door. I pressed my ear against it and listened. It was hard to decipher, but I could hear her gentle breathing, the sound of someone asleep. I walked to the front door and opened it.

He stood there in a long-sleeved shirt and sweatpants.

I pulled him inside, carefully shut the door behind him and locked it, and then we quietly walked down the hallway and into my bedroom, getting there without making a sound. I was in a long sleepshirt with nothing on underneath, so I pulled that off to reveal my naked body.

He took one look at me and forget my daughter was down the hallway. He stripped off his shirt and his bottoms and then wrapped his arms around me, pressing his mouth against mine aggressively, his big hands squeezing different parts of my body as he kissed me with hot breaths, purposeful tongue, masculine neediness. He directed me to the bed and laid me down as he moved on top of me, our bodies coming together silently, the only sound our lips breaking apart and coming back together.

He sank inside me, his deep breaths against my lips, and he stifled his moan and replaced it with an audible breath that showed his desire. I struggled to be quiet and scratched his back deeper to compensate, to express how good it felt without using my voice.

He rocked into me slowly, careful to keep the bed quiet, and our arms held each other close as we made love in silence. I’d been anxious for him the second he’d screamed at Lizzie’s teacher, so at his initial touch, I came quietly, breathing into his mouth as I adjusted to how good it felt, coming around his big dick.