“Maybe smile…”

I dropped my gaze and continued eating.

“You were so revered at your TED Talk, Derek. Just be yourself, only less cold. Remember, these people will be coming from all over so you can sign their book. They’re fans. They have no hostile intention toward you.”

“I understand that. I just…don’t want to disappoint them.”

“We’ll practice, then.”

It was a bit embarrassing that I had to practice a basic human interaction.

“Pretend they’re me.”

Both of my eyebrows rose up my face.

“I mean, not like that. Just…you’re comfortable around me.”

“I don’t know if that will work.”

“That’s why we’ll practice. I have no doubt you’ll do great, Derek. It’s just a hurdle we have to get over. And remember, your story means something to these people. They’re excited to see you. It’ll be fun.”

I had a much different idea of fun.

“I was thinking we could have your parents there too.”


I shrugged. “I think the fans will like it, seeing your family there.”

“I don’t think my parents would—”

“Their son is a famous author. Yes, they want to be there.”

I knew Emerson always involved my parents because she was a parent herself, and she knew how important every little thing was, even when I was a grown man. “Alright. But they’re both really busy—”

“Trust me, a parent is never too busy to be there for their son.”

I dropped my gaze and looked at my food again, slicing into the scrambled eggs before putting them into my mouth. “No wonder why they like you.”

She smiled. “I just know how it is.”

Her daughter gave her a sense of maturity that I didn’t have, that most people probably didn’t have.

“You know, one of the things I found most attractive about you is the way you talk about your parents. The way you speak so highly of your father, the way you are close with your mom…it’s really sexy.”

I lifted my chin and looked at her. “Yeah?”

“It’s nice to see a man respect his parents, appreciate them. You never know the sacrifices your parents make for you until you become a parent yourself. And you aren’t a parent yet, but you’re very kind toward them.”

Sometimes her compliments made me uncomfortable—not because I disliked them; I just didn’t know what to say. Now was one of those times. I let the silence linger for a while. “I like that you’re a good mom and take care of your parents.”

When she smiled, it reached her eyes, like that meant a great deal to her.

“You’re the strongest person I know.”

“Oh, come on…”

“I’m serious. You had a daughter before you were eighteen, but you still pursued your career and accomplished everything you dreamed of. You made it work. You didn’t make excuses. You hustled when others would have given up. You did everything you could to give your daughter a better life, even taking this job.”

“Well, this job has been nothing but a blessing…in so many ways.”

I shook my head slightly. “I know it’s tough, baby. You take care of your daughter and parents off the clock, and during working hours, you’re taking care of me…and I’m a very high-maintenance person.”

Her eyes softened. “I get paid very well to take care of a gorgeous, brilliant man who gives me the best sex I’ve ever had. Yeah, it’s a dream job.”

I stopped eating and noted what she said. “Best you’ve ever had?”

“Uh, yeah,” she said with a laugh. “You kidding me?”

My ego rose at the same time as my lips.

“But I’m sure every woman says that about you…”

I’d never asked. “You’re the best too.”

She released a scoff. “That’s impossible.”

“Why?” When we were at work, we had deep conversations, but not like this. The subject was usually related to work, probably because we were aware of our surroundings. This was the first time we’d actually gone out to eat together. The dinner with my parents didn’t count, and our pit stop to get burgers didn’t count either…because we bolted before we even got the food.

“Because…it’s impossible.” She cut into her pancakes and lifted a piece that dripped with syrup. “You’ve been with a lot of beautiful woman over a long time. Just statistically speaking, that can’t be right.”

I tried to organize my thoughts so I could convey them accurately. “Yes, I’ve been with a lot of women, but the only reason I was with them was for sex. I was never in an emotional relationship with any of them. You’re the only woman I’ve had a deep connection with. So, if you’re the only one…you have to be the best. Because having sex with someone you’re in love with is much different from just fucking to get off.”

Her expression immediately dropped, and her face turned white as milk. She was still as a statue, not even breathing. Her eyes shifted back and forth as she looked at me.