He takes a deep breath, looking to his bloodied knuckles. “Fucked up.”

I nod.

“And you left anyway.”

“I tried, but I couldn’t fucking do it,” I admit. “Standing around, seeing them together. Imagine me sitting back when his mouth touches hers, knowing what goes down at night when they’re alone. Then later, playin’ family with Zoey?” My jaw flexes. “I’d have fucking cracked. I’d have taken her from him, fucking everyone over in the process. Leaving was the only option.”

He glares a minute before he starts talking again.

“I don’t feel for you,” he says quietly. “I can’t, not after everything she’s been through recently. I tried to be there for her, to make her feel safe, to hold her, and she let me. It helped some, I know it did, but not efuckingnough. It will never be enough.” He swallows, his eyes trailing the blood drops at his feet. “We could never be enough for her.”

“You could be.”

“We aren’t.” He shrugs. “She trusts us, but it’s not the same thing. She loves us, but it’s different.”

I let out a deep breath. “I never should have allowed this to happen. I never should have let them take what was mine to have.” I look to Royce.

His brows meet in the center, a defeated look taking over, and he sighs. “You were saving your niece, man.”

“Yeah,” I rasp. “By ripping out my beating fucking heart.”


“Stop, Royce.” My shoulders sag. “Don’t make excuses for me.”

I lick my lips, my chin hitting my chest a moment.

I look up, meeting my brother’s eyes. “Tell me something.”

His eyes pinch.

“Would we ever allow that little girl to be taken from us, hurt or harmed in any way?”



“Exactly.” My brows jump into my hairline and I take a step closer. “Why did we not weed out everyone who tried to deny us? Who threatened to take from us?”

“I don’t know, man, it was a lot to take in.”

“So we’re too weak to handle it, like Dad said we would be?”

“That’s not what I fucking said,” Royce spits through clenched teeth.

I push forward. “You heard the other families in that room. This is our fucking feud, they have no place in it. They want us to settle it. Us or them, they don’t get to say, and they don’t give a fuck. They’re only waiting for the end result, a tight, strong council they can depend on when push comes to shove.”

Royce’s body slowly morphs, the tension in his shoulders fading as his fists open at his sides. He stands taller, his chin lifting subconsciously as a calm settles over him.


I nod.

Yes, brother.

“Say it,” Royce demands.

“We made a mistake.”

Royce plants his feet directly in front of mine. He lifts his palm, so I lock my hand in his, letting him pull my chest closer.

Deserved anger and resentment radiates off every inch of him, but even pissed at me, we’re family first. “We didn’t spend the last few years rebuilding this fucking town, growing our team, for nothing. We aren’t placeholders. These old fucks don’t get to step back in and tell us what our next move is supposed to be. We were the next move before Dad got home and Donley slid back into light, and everyone knew it. Let’s remind them, Madman.”

I nod, fucking ready. “We go to the Graven Estate.”

Royce scoffs, stepping back, but a hint of a smirk tips his lip, humor finding its way in his eyes.


He licks his lips. “Graven Estate is nothing but ash, brother.”

My mind races.

“She went in like a boss, burnt it to the ground.”

My eyes fly to Victoria when she speaks.

She glares at me, pushes off the wall and then disappears into Captain’s room.

The fuck?

Royce’s hard slap to my back has my eyes flying to him.

“Told you, crazy shit, bro. Wait ‘til you hear the rest of it.”

My eyes slim. “You gonna fuckin’ tell me or not?”

He lets me go, pausing at Captain’s door. His eyes hit mine, hardening. “Nope.”

He goes inside, but my feet freeze in place, my eyes sliding sideways when movement catches my attention.

Bishop stares at me.


He shrugs against the wall, pushing off just the same. “Surprised is all.”

“Yeah, you were probably hoping I’d never fucking be back, huh?”

Bishop stares blankly. “Nah, man.” He shakes his head, moving his earphones into place. “I’m surprised you ever left. Didn’t expect that. Not from you. Not when it came to her.” He grabs his side and limps back into the waiting area.

I’m about to drop against the wall when Captain’s door pushes open again and Victoria sticks her head out. “He’s asleep right now, but I thought you’d want to know... when she’s done back there?” Her eyes slide between mine, and I’d swear pity is hiding behind her shield. “They’re bringing her in here. It’s a double room so...”

My chest stiffens, but I manage a tight nod.