I take a deep breath and sit back with my eyes closed.

Cap will be okay.

My mom is dead.

Maddoc is gone.

And me, I might just fucking crack.

One thing is for sure, though. If I do, everyone will fucking feel it.


“There you go, baby girl,” Royce whispers. “Get angry. Get loud.”

My eyes open and hit his.

“Get revenge.”“Raven,” Bass calls, nodding toward the hall.

I spot a wide-eyed Victoria down the long walkway. Her eyes find mine the second I stand.

She slows so I meet her. “Mac picked me up, or more demanded I get in or he’d tie me up and put me in the trunk.” She looks around. “I didn’t even know this was here.”

“Me either.”

“What happened?” she asks. “All he’d say is he was bringing me to you.”

“Captain was shot, he’s almost out of surgery.”

“Shot!” Her eyes widen, her forehead creasing. “He’s okay, though... yeah?”

I look to Royce and her head snaps his way.

“They said he will be,” he tells her.

She nods, glancing back down the hall a second. “Rolland was pulling up right as I was shoved through the glass door.”

My eyes fly to Royce again.

“I trust you.” His dark gaze holds mine strong.

I nod, glancing to Bass and he kicks off the wall.

“Sit with Royce. I’ll be right back.”

I get halfway down there when the shouting reaches me.

“Get the hell out of my way! You’re lucky I don’t put a bullet between your eyes,” Rolland is yelling.

“Step back on the elevator before I place you inside it.” Fernando is firm, calm.

The corner of my mouth lifts.

When I step around, I see he’s backed by three more security guards, all who stand taller when I’m spotted.

Rolland’s eyes slice my way and his shoulders drop. He shakes his head. “Thank God! Raven, get Royce and Maddoc! These assholes—”

“Are doing as they were told.”

His head snaps back. “No, they aren’t. I gave them specific instructions.” His eyes cut to Bass and narrow before moving back to mine.

“Instructions I overrode.”

He tenses where he stands. “Excuse me?”

“You aren’t welcome here, not yet.”

That gets him angry. He shifts closer and is met with a wall of men, but I push past them, stepping in front of him.

“Not welcome,” he drags out, his eyes moving over my shoulder. His words are calm but hold a heavy power. “I’d bury you for less.”

“Don’t threaten my men.”

His brows jump. “Your men?” When I say nothing he starts to break. It takes him a minute, but then his eyes lose their peril, sloping at the edges as concern seeps through. “Raven,” he pauses. “I need to be here for him.”

“Not yet.”

He shakes his head, not angry but unsure. “You have no right.”

“I have every right.”

“That is my son!”

“That is my husband!”

He jerks back like he’s been slapped, stumbling a bit even before he finds his footing.

I look to Bass.

Without a word spoken, he ushers the security a few feet away, but he makes sure he’s within his idea of a safe distance.

“When?” he breathes, eyes on mine.

“Six weeks ago. We wanted it to be easier for everyone. It backfired.”

His shoulders fall. “Maddoc... he heard, didn’t he?” His eyes move between mine. “That’s why I can’t reach him. He’s gone?”

I open my mouth to speak, but he surprises me.

“This is my fault. All of it.” He steps back, propping himself against the side of the elevator door. “He has no idea what’s happened, does he?”

“He’d be here if he did.” My eyes travel his face. “How did you hear?”

“My men.” He gives a sad laugh. “Our, your, I don’t even know anymore, but I was contacted the moment he was wheeled in. Gunshot they said?”

I consider not answering but, in the end, I do. “Two, but only one broke the skin. We’re waiting for him to be moved into a room.” I swallow. “Rolland, I can’t let you in here.”

“As much as it saddens me to say, I understand, Raven, and I respect the strength in your decision. I’d do the same.”


Victoria shouts and I look over my shoulder.

“He’s in his room, we can go in!” Her eyes are tight, smile tighter.

I nod, turning back to Rolland.

His chin falls to his chest.

I almost give in, almost crack, but at this point, I have no idea what’s going on.

Everyone is suspect, and he has yet to earn my trust if he ever does.

“Get into the elevator, Rolland. Make this easier for everyone. If you don’t, Royce will walk out here, and I don’t want to put him in the position to choose.”

“He’d choose you, Raven.”

I look to him, finding nothing but sincerity and certainty staring back.

“They all would,” he whispers, a proud smile on his lips, hurt in his eyes. “I underestimated you.”

“Everyone does.”

“They won’t anymore, not at the end of this. No one will.”

“You sound so sure.”

His weighty gaze holds mine. “I recognize the fight in your eyes. You want answers, and you’ll stop at nothing until you get them.” He pushes the button behind him without looking, stepping back into the elevator when the door pings open. His shoulders square and he stands tall. “Go. Be with them.”