“Yeah.” Captain slips under his blanket, staring up at the ceiling. “That might be the worst part.”


“Are we going to school tomorrow?”

“We said we would, but I’m thinking we don’t.”

“Same.” I glare at the wall. “We also said we’d let Collins back in without busting his chops, can we agree not to do that either?”

“He won’t step out of line.”

“I don’t know, he lost a lot today in his eyes. He’ll either flip the fuck out or he won’t.”

“He lost the life he thought he deserved, like we warned would happen. If he causes problems, he won’t get the chance to find another one.”

We’re both quiet for a long moment before I tell him, “You know, through all the shady shit, I gained some respect for your dad today.”

Cap looks my way, a light crease in his forehead.

“He had us both in his hands for years. He could have set this up when we were little, but he didn’t.” I shrug. “Having all he thought he wanted wasn’t worth losing you.”

“And now he might have lost us all.”

I nod. “He has to be realizing you three are more than he could have ever been, bet that’s all he ever wanted. Coming home though, being thrown back into a world he hasn’t seen this close in so long, it messed with his mind. Maybe he needs time to work out all the changes.”

“Time isn’t something we’ll be giving him anymore. He’ll answer when asked.”

“Spoken like a king.”

Despite the shittiness, Cap lets out a small chuckle and rolls over, facing away from me.

“You can turn the light off, Cap.”

“Nah, let’s leave it on.”

A small smile finds my lips, but it’s gone just as quick. The night’s closing and reality comes crashing down.

He promised no one could take me from him, that it was me and him, no matter what.

You lied, Big Man.My head rolls against the... the fuck is it?

“Dirt or grass maybe?”

“What was he doing when you found him?”


“Busting out the windows in the shed. With his fists.”


“Having Maybell call me was the right move.”

“Where’s Raven?” she asks.

“Ha!” I shout, rolling onto my knees and forearms. “Fuckin’ ha!” I push off the ground, but my legs aren’t working, and I face plant.

Yeah, it’s fucking dirt.

My eyes peel open when a hand tugs at my shoulder.

Floppy fucking hair and a neck tattoo is in my face.


“Yeah, man,” Royce mumbles under his breath. “Help me out, yeah? Put your fucking foot on the ground.”

I do and he tugs me up.

A little body slides under my other arm and my head rolls that way, nothing but blonde hair getting in my face. She looks up with a glare. “Move your feet.”

I push toward her and she pulls her head back but stays under my arm.

“Bishop!” Royce yells but I don’t look away from Victoria. “Bring my truck over here, now!”

“I should take you like he took her.”

“Shut the fuck up, Maddoc,” Royce growls.

Victoria’s eyes slice to him. “What is he talking about?”


I scoff, my head falling back. “Yeah, nothing. Fucking everything.”

The dark sky mocks me. It’s empty, like my bed will be.

Not his though.

“Let me.” My head snaps left meeting gelled-back hair and a metal fucking mouth.

I should rip that lip ring right off this fucker.

Bishop shakes his head. “What, Raven disobey again?”

I tug away, throwing a punch at him but he dodges it, and I trip forward into a crate.

“Fuck,” Royce spits. “Shut the fuck up, Bishop, or I’ll lay your ass out! Help me get him the fuck in the car.”

My body is jostled as I’m tossed on a seat.

I open my eyes. Pretty sure this is my ride.

I slightly register Maybell walking toward Victoria who’s standing a few feet away.

“It’s over, Maybell. Bet you knew that already though. Can’t trust nobody. Only my brothers. And her.”

“What the fuck happened?” Bishop asks.

“Not now,” Royce growls and goes to slam the door, but I block it with my foot.

“Bishop,” I slur. “Be at the house in the morning. I need to switch your positions.”

Bishop frowns, his eyes sliding to Royce. “Why? Profits are up, I have a new fighter every couple weeks, we haven’t had an incident in—”

“Shut the fuck up,” I manage to get out. “You’re a hands man. This is a promotion. I need you on security,” I slur.

Royce cusses and slams the door.

My eyes close, nothing but long black hair and grey eyes in sight.

She disappears.Royce slaps a hand on my back and my eyes peel open.

“Get up, Bishop’s here,” he spits.

“Fuck him.”

“Man, fuck you. You asked his ass to come here. You’re lucky I let him in. Get the fuck up.”

That’s right. Security.

“I need something for my head, it’s fucking pounding.”

“Good, maybe it’ll knock some sense into you.” He tosses me the water bottle from my dresser. “Get your own fucking pain meds, asshole, or better yet, don’t.” He slams the door against the wall on his way out.