“Are you fucking serious?” I think I say out loud, but I can’t be sure.

“Cap ... what is this?” Royce whispers.

Maddoc shifts like he’s ready to jump the little picket, but the officer at his side slides in his path, gripping his waistband where his gun hangs.

“Do you or do you not live in one of Mr. Brayshaw’s group homes?” The judge gets louder.

I narrow my eyes on the man who has yet to look away since the moment he spun around, not even to meet the eyes of his sons. He hasn’t even fucking blinked.

The man whose home I’m living in.

The man whose son I’m fucking, just like he used to fuck my mother at night.

The man who gave me my fucking knife.

I force my eyes to the judge. My voice is low, but it’s strong. “Yes.”

I shake off Captain when he tries to touch my arm, likely about to whisper something I don’t want to here. I shrug away. “I live in the Bray house.” Just not the all-girl’s house.

“Ms. Carver, do you wish to speak on behalf or against Mr. Brayshaw? Perhaps on your experience at the home, if you feel safe there. It could help us make a decision.”

The weight of Big Man’s stare is on me, but I can’t bring myself to look his way.

If I see demand in his eyes, I might do the opposite.

If I saw regret, I might walk away and never look back.

If I saw pain ... I might just fucking cry.

None of those are good and right now, this moment has to come from me.

I could lie, say that he’s a great man with a good heart when I don’t know this to be true.

I could lie, say I’ve never met the man. Tell her this is the first I’ve laid eyes on him.

I look back to him.

He has slight grey above his ears now, the rest a deep, dark brown. Almost black. His skin a little more weathered than I remember. Eyes a little more jaded.

I could tell the truth.

I keep my eyes on him. “I couldn’t care less about your decision. Lock him back up or let him roam free, makes no difference to me.”

Royce tries to touch the back of his hand to mine, in support or demand, I don’t care to know right now, so I yank away from him.

The judge clears his throat, but Rolland doesn’t turn back. He takes his time attempting to read me and when that fails, he finally looks to his sons at my sides, then the one to the left of him.

Suddenly it’s hard to breathe, and my chest starts rising and falling rapidly.

I have to get out of here.

I quickly and without warning, leap over the back of my chair. I know if I darted from my seat, Captain would block me. I shuffle down the row and one of them reaches out to grip for my elbow, but I jerk away, rushing for the door.

Maddoc’s call of my name and a slight commotion is heard behind me.

I don’t turn around.“Raven!” I shout, shouldering the guard as he steps up and grabs a hold of me. Royce stays on her heels and my heart starts hammering in my chest.


“Chill, kid,” the guard hisses under his breath. “You’ll be out of here soon. Keep this up and you’ll go right back to that cell.

“I’m not your fucking kid.” I jerk away from him, grinding my damn teeth as I swing my glare to my dad.

I don’t even hear what’s being said my blood is pumping so fierce in my ears.

I’m not given the chance to look my father in the eyes again to gauge his thoughts before he’s done and being shuffled out the door.

The panel is next to walk out and then the guard finally backs away.

I hop the aisles and meet Cap in the center, a deep frown covering his face.

“You good, man?” I know he’s asking about my last few days, but no time for me right now.

“What the fuck just happened?”

His eyes narrow. “I have no idea.”

“I need you to sign your release papers, Mr. Brayshaw.” The guard changes his tune and motions for me to follow him.

I look back to Captain.

“I’ll be out front.”

I frown and look away, following the officer.

He’ll be outside he said, meaning like me, he’s not so sure she will be.

Finally, a half hour later, my paperwork is ready and I’m free to leave.

A black Denali is waiting right at the curb when I exit.

Cap climbs out.

“Where is she?”

“Took off down the road. Royce called Mac, chasing her ass all the way. Finally forced her to get into Mac’s car after they got a solid two miles down the road.”

I growl and move past him, sliding into the driver seat of his vehicle.