“She shouldn’t hide things from you, it’s not right.”

Royce grins, but it doesn’t meet his eyes, then moves to the fridge for a drink.

“I’m serious. I don’t know if you guys have known many people who’ve been arrested, but my mom was, all the fucking time. You’re in court within a day, sometimes released right after booking with a court date to return. This isn’t normal. He hasn’t called and he hasn’t seen a judge. Something is off.”

“If there is something to know, Maddoc will fill us in tomorrow.” Captain looks up and as soon as he sees the annoying unease I can’t hide, his light eyes soften. “I know things don’t work as easy as they should in our world, but we have to believe the moves made without us serve a purpose. And Raven, I guaran-fucking-tee, if Maddoc could call, he would have, and if there was a problem we needed to worry about, he would force a way. He’s sitting, so we’re sitting.”

“But doesn’t his not calling make you wanna fuck shit up just to be put in there with him and find out why?” I ask and both boys laugh.

Royce walks over and kisses my temple. “We love you, our little scrapper, but one more day, RaeRae.”

I look to Cap for confirmation, and he winks, saying, “If it doesn’t happen how we want tomorrow, we’ll fuck shit up, all right?”

I nod, all fucking for that answer and again they both laugh.

Cap makes quick work of finishing up our food, and we’re done just as quick, each of us disappearing into our rooms.

I close my door, change clothes and slide in my bed. I tuck my knife into my sleep shorts, plug in my headphones, and turn on my flashlight.

I stare at the door.

Here’s to another sleepless night.The ride to the courthouse feels like a million years, but in reality, it only took a solid fifteen minutes to get to the turn-off. Once we’re within eyeshot, though, it feels way too fucking soon and nerves kick to life making me queasy.

“Raven, make sure your knife’s not on you, we have to go through a metal detector,” Cap reminds me.

“Got it.” I slip my switchblade between the seats and glance out the window at the large brick style building.

Captain finds a spot pretty close to the front and the boys get out, but guilt – an emotion I’m not used to – has me delaying.

My hand is on the handle but unmoving, and Royce is the one that has to open my door.

When he gets a look at my face, he sighs and moves closer. He grips my ankle and wrist and pulls me to the door, wrapping me in a hug.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he tells me. “And knock that shit off. This ain’t your fault.”

My eyes pool with tears despite my best effort.

These boys are turning me into a damn mess.

I don’t cry.

“That’s not true and you know it. You’re both mad at me and we haven’t even talked it out yet.” I pull back to look him in the eye. “Maddoc only went over there to fuck shit up because of what I did.”

Royce moves back a little so Cap can squeeze in beside us.

“No.” Captain shakes his head and reaches for my hand. I let him pull me out and to my feet. He bends down a little to look me in the eye. “Maddoc fucked him up because he did what he did. This week, next week, doesn’t matter. You should already know, if you’d have done what you should have and come straight to us instead of acting brave alone like you’re used to, he would have reacted the same. Maddoc is fucking fierce, Raven. He loves us. Would die for us, but we’re his brothers. He’s never loved before. This? This is what that looks like.”

A breath lodges in my throat and I shake my head.

Cap shakes his right back. “We’re not having this conversation, but I know my brother. Whether you know it, whether he fucking knows it, it’s in there. Maybe not fully grown but Raven you’re inside him in a way nobody ever has been. He will always act in defense first, especially when you’re at the center of the threat.”

I nod, glancing at Royce.

“Fists first, fixes later,” he says.

“Kinda sounds like me,” a laugh bubbles out of me and they grin gravely.

“And we were pissed at you, maybe still are, to be honest, but we understand now. We see what you did and why, and we love you more for it even though you made the wrong move.” Royce’s eyes slide between mine, the honesty of his words hitting me hard and meaning more than I could express if I tried. “Now come on. We still have an hour but let’s get in there, the seats fill up fast.”