Asshole.I bounce on my feet and shake my body out, only to step in again for another combo.

The chain clashes against the beam, the punching bag bounding against my gloveless hands, the cracks at my knuckles ripping deeper, the blood trickling down my forearms and onto the rubber mat beneath my feet.

I keep going – one, two, uppercut. Left, right, kidney shot.

His cheek, his jaw, his fucking temple. Lights out, bitch.

My right knuckle splits completely open, and I clench my jaw, wrapping my arms around the punching bag to catch my breath.

I can’t fucking believe this shit.

Three damn days without seeing her and it feels like three damn years. Why or how we agreed to stay sitting fucking ducks, I have no idea.

It’s fucking torture.

“You ‘bout done, boy?”

My chin drops to my chest and my arms fall to my sides. I swing my glare toward the door, knowing my brothers are standing right behind her.

Really, fuckers?

“Nuh-uh, child,” Maybell reprimands and moves forward with a first aid kit. “Don’t be lookin’ at them like that. They did right, calling me. You look as bad as you did when you found out the green Power Ranger was leaving the show.”

I crack a smile despite my shitty mood and my brothers chuckle behind her.

She smiles faintly, then waves her hand over her shoulder, signaling for Royce and Captain to shuffle into the room.

“Got some work done, I see.” She looks pointedly at the tattoo on my left pec, following the trail that wraps over my shoulder blade. It’s only half done – ten fucking hours in the chair. I had to pass the time somehow.

“I did. I just took the wrapping off last night.”

She winks and we all move to sit.

Maybell kneels in front of me and starts working on my hand with peroxide.

“So.” She peers up with an eyebrow raised. “She’s gone.”

“You heard he put Collins Graven at Brayshaw?” I ask even though I know the answer.

“I did.”

“You hear she left with him day one?”

Her hands pause their movements and I cut a quick glance at my brothers. They caught it too.

She didn’t know.

Our dad’s known to tell her everything, almost always before us, so, why would he keep this from her?

“Your father is a smart man,” she answers the question I didn’t have to ask. “If he’s being choosy about the information he shares, there is a reason. Believe that.”

“We do,” Captain tells her, but then shifts to frown out the window. “Problem is we didn’t expect this, and it doesn’t feel right. She’s not ... it just doesn’t feel right.” He licks his lips and stands, moving to the other side of the room.

Royce leans forward, his elbows on his knees.

“Boy?” Maybell calls him, wanting his thoughts, but he only continues to glare at his folded hands.

He shakes his head, giving nothing.

Maybell sighs and spreads some skin glue over my knuckles, patting me on the thigh as she stands. She stares. “Your old man tell you to do as you felt needed?”

I nod.

She gives a grim smile. “Well, seems there’s only one move at the moment.”

Cap spins around to look at her and Royce’s head raises. She looks from one to the next, settling on me. “Make her regret it.”

“And if she doesn’t?”

Maybell lets out a little laugh and turns for the door. “Come on, boy. No need to fish for reassurance, it won’t take much to hit her where it hurts. No one knows that girl like you, maybe not even her. You boys are the only weapon that would work against her.”

Maybell throws away the soiled gauze and grabs a towel from the rack in the corner, moving toward the blood on the mat, but she stops before bending down and scowls at the three of us.

“Wash away the self-pity and stand tall, like you were born to do. I’ve watched you take down a corrupt judge and get a congressman to give up his seat, a seventeen-year-old girl will not break you.” Maybell’s eyes travel between us again. “Watch her when she can’t see you, force her hand when you need to. Make her think of you at every moment, every day – bet she already is. Stay in her face and get dirty if need be.”

“Why?” Royce asks her, and she looks to me.

My eyes bounce between hers, and I answer, “Because that’s what it’ll take.”

Royce pushes to his feet and Captain walks closer.

“To what?” Cap asks hesitantly.

My brows furrow and Maybell tips her chin.

I look to my brothers. “To break her.”

“Is that what you want to do?” Captain asks me, an angry glare he doesn’t try to hide behind his eyes. “You want to push her ‘til she falls?”

“And catch her on the way down, yeah.”

“And if she falls the wrong way?” Royce questions, unsure.

I clench my teeth together. Not an option. “Then we’ll make sure it hurts when she hits the ground.”