He pauses a second, making his decision – it’s the right one, but a few too late.

Leo laughs, but it’s nervous and before he can attempt to dig his way back, I stand, dismissing him.

He just showed them he purposely tried to get under their skin – the shovel is officially in his hands. No going back now.

“I’m a boss at darts, Royce. Sure you want your ass kicked?” I go to step forward, but Maddoc’s hand shoots out, gripping my jeans by the pocket.

I glance back, tipping my chin lightly as I slide my fingers over his, and his hand starts shaking. I squeeze, giving an almost unnoticeable shake of my head.

I’d never, big man.

His eyes cut between mine, and as if he understands, he lets go.

I head over to Leo and Royce. Royce, who hasn’t stopped glaring at the side of Leo’s head.

I stop in front of Leo and in my peripheral, Maddoc stands as Royce steps closer. Leo’s jaw locks tight and when I hold my hand out, he drops the darts inside.

“I gave you a choice,” I whisper for only him to hear.

“Fuck you,” he hisses, and I grin.

“Not even with the tip, Leo.”

He steps back, laughing again like we shared some joke and grabs his keys off the stool. “I’m taking off. See you guys tomorrow.”

He doesn’t say a word or make eye contact with anyone on his way out the door. The second it shuts, I’m practically ran into the corner by Royce and Maddoc.

“What the fuck was that?” Maddoc speaks through his clenched teeth.

“Your friend is a dick.

“What’d he do?”


“Cut the shit, Raven. What the fuck was that?”

I pull myself up on the stool. “He’s been your boy for years and I’m the newcomer. You guys were driving me to school, had me staying in your cabin, and now I’m at your place.”

“What’s the fucking point here?” Royce asks.

“He’s probably sleeping with roaches running across the shoes at the edge of his bed, if he even has one, and you’ve known him for years.”

“So we’re supposed to just give all our fucking friends a place to stay?”

I shrug. “I wasn’t even your friend yet when you gave me one.”

“Yet?” Royce grins.

I laugh tilting my head back and forth. “I kinda like you.”

“Back on fucking track.” Maddoc glares at us both, settling his stare on me. “Why would he act like that?”

I survey him and curse to myself.

He trusts too little in his life, and in his mind, he needs to trust Leo.

“Look, it’s not a big deal. He don’t like me, oh well, welcome him to the club. I can deal with that. If he’s being protective of you guys then I can respect that.”

“You didn’t say anything.” A deep crease takes over his forehead. “Why?”

A snort leaves me. “I wasn’t about to cause unnecessary problems between you guys and your friends. If he ends up being a little bitch, then he’ll be the one to make you see that, not me. We’ll have to wait and see how it plays out.”

They both stare, and I grow anxious, looking between the two.


Maddoc steps closer.

“Damn,” leaves Royce in a whisper and he steps back.

I look to Royce over Maddoc’s shoulder and he winks, but it’s not a cheesy, teasing wink. It’s softer. Different.

“Party’s over, people,” Royce calls out as he steps away and the few teammates and their chicks grab their stuff and head out.

When Maddoc’s body steps between my legs, I look up.

He studies me, a bemused expression etched across his perfect face.

“What?” I breathe.

Before he can answer, Captain bounds around the corner, a deep frown in place.

Something’s wrong.

When Maddoc moves, I do too.

“Cap, what is it?” I ask him cautiously.

He looks between the three of us. “We gotta fight. Don’t ask me why.”

“I’ll get the car.” Maddoc disappears.

“I’ll lock up.” Royce disappears.

Just like that, no questions asked, no answers needed, three becomes one.

A small grin starts to form on my lips when my name is called from the doorway.

Maddoc stands there, his green eyes zoned in on me. He tips his chin and when his hand reaches out my heart stops.

I look to Captain.

There’s no scowl, no annoyance, and no demand. He won’t be hurt if I stay back, doesn’t expect me to take on his trouble, but he hopes I want to.

I grab my jacket from the edge of the couch and slide past him, patting his chest as I do.

I step in front of Maddoc, keeping my eyes locked on him as I slip my fingers into his. The corners of his eyes dip when I squeeze, then we’re out the door.

Everything happens quickly from there. The boys leap in, we skirt off and game faces slip over their eyes – masks without the mask.

We pull up at a house I’ve never seen on a street I’ve never been down and jump out.