“That’s not what I meant—” he growls, but Captain cuts him off.

“We don’t have time for this.”

They turn for the side of the cabin, so I follow. Maddoc bends down, allowing me to step up on his knee so I can grip the edge of the window. His hands find my ass and he gives me a solid push and with a tiny twist, I’m in.

I flip on the bathroom light quickly and they all start yelling at me, but I leave it until I hit the front door, unlock and yank it open. I go to dart back into the lighted night sky, but Maddoc blocks me and shoves me back inside as Royce runs past to the bathroom and flips the light off.

I tense. “Let me out.”

“Hell no. You’re not walking back by yourself.”

“Then turn on the light.”

“And let people come barging in looking to bust us for the fucking game only to bust us for breaking in the damn place? Don’t be stupid.”

Someone grabs my hand and yanks, dragging me through the dark house. Clearly, they’ve mapped the place out as not one of them knocks into anything along the way.

I’m shoved forward. A door clicks behind me, followed by a lock.

My heart rate spikes.


“Turn on a light.”


More noises echo and I jerk around, but I can’t see. Tapping comes from the other corner and I spin that way.

Shit, shit.

I squeeze my eyes shut, but it only makes everything worse.

“Give me your phone,” I say to no one in particular.

“Don’t have ‘em, remember? Couldn’t chance one ringing and us being heard. Your talking isn’t helping either,” Maddoc snaps at me.

“I can’t...” I bound forward, knocking into something, a loud scrape against the hardwood making them all curse quietly. “I need out.”

“Raven, chill—”

“I said I need out!” I shout, not caring who hears.

“Fuck, dude. She’s gonna get us caught!”

I start breathing hard, wringing my hands at my sides.

Fingers touch my back and I yelp, jerking forward, again bumping into something. A table maybe?


“Shut her up.”

“It’s the dark.”

“She’s afraid of the fucking dark?”

“No way ... really?”

They talk like I’m not here but I can’t focus enough to care let alone respond.

I swallow, trying to calm my nerves but it does nothing.

“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck. I can’t. Sorry, but I gotta get out.”

“Raven, quiet.”

“I said I want out!”

“Bro, shut her up.” They start to panic.

“Someone will hear.”


“I swear to fucking—” My words die on my lips when I’m jerked right and heavy lips land on mine.

I tense, but the mouth on mine adds pressure.

A light whimper leaves me and a hand dips into my hair, using the grip to drag me forward and I go willingly, but then the soft sound of a drawer closing in the room has me jumping back.

“Fuck, I need out of here now. I can’t.” I start breathing heavy and dizziness takes over. “Please.”

“It’s not enough,” says one of them. “She’s too tripped out.”

“I found it!” Captain whispers urgently.

“Don’t matter! We can’t fucking go until we get the signal. We’re stuck for a minute.”

A door slams somewhere and the boys cuss.

“That wasn’t you, was it?” I whisper, damn near on the verge of shaking now.

No one answers.

“Was that you, guys?” I say louder, and they shush me.

“Someone’s inside.”

I let out a small cry when something falls to the floor.

“Dude. Make her relax,” Captain hisses.

“I could—” Royce is cut off when Maddoc snaps, “Don’t even.”

Screw this.

I fight to get past them, but I’m only pushed backward.

“Damn it,” Maddoc growls. “Everybody quiet.”

“This isn’t happening,” I whisper to myself.


“Fuck fuck fuck.” Something touches my elbow and a small yelp leaves me.

“Shut her up. Now.”

Once again, I’m yanked forward, a warm mouth dropping to meet mine. I try to get lost in the heat of it all, doing my best to draw up images in my mind. The lips are soft and full, perfectly skilled and wanting.

A second set of hands, slightly rougher than the firsts, find my shoulders and slowly inch their way down, causing a shiver to run through me.

The person cradling my face pulls me closer, and I willingly step against the solid body in front of me.

There’s a slight shuffle to my left and I pull back a little. “I—”

“Shh. No talking.” I think this gentle command comes from Captain.

Two new hands lift me from my feet, and I’m laid across a soft cushion.

I try to free my lips, but the mouth on mine refuses to let me go and a silky tongue sweeps mine until I relax some more. The kisser skims his heated mouth across my chin to my neck, and then he’s gone.

“She’ll need more. This isn’t enough for her,” Royce whispers and the sound of heavy breathing surrounds me.

“We’re gonna keep you quiet, RaeRae,” he breathes. “You good with that?”

I squeeze my eyes shut, my legs bouncing and all hands on me freeze where they are. I swallow. “Distract me.”