Those are usually the days she has heavy hands.

“Open the door,” Captain calls.

With a sigh, I pull myself from the comforter and do as he asks.

His attention immediately drops to my body and damn if mine doesn’t do the same.

I step back to have a better look at him standing there in nothing but a pair of grey and blue swim trunks.

Captain is ripped. Like ... ripped. Where Maddoc’s got that hard-earned tall and tapered effect of the three, Captain is broader, so his muscles are fuller, but he doesn’t have that hardened look. His body seems soft but strong, like he’d wrap you up tight and you’d involuntarily melt right there in his arms, beg him not to let go. He’ll keep a girl real warm tonight.


I lift my eyes and he winks.

“You look good, too.”

I roll my eyes and when Royce steps beside him, I look him over just the same.

He’s the leaner of the three, but still has the definition of an athlete. He’s tight in the right areas, with biceps that flex with each movement. It’s the tattoos though that reel you in at the start. He screams bad bad bad and he knows it.

I laugh when I see his trunks of choice.

They’re white – bad move number one – and have a hot dog image with wings printed right over his groin.

He sees me looking and thrusts his hips, making his dick bounces against the fabric.

“Oh my God!” I laugh covering my eyes. “Quit your shit!”

Clearly no boxers under there.

He laughs. “Don’t act like you don’t wanna look, we both know you’re dying to feel me up again.”

“Let’s fucking go,” the big man’s voice booms over us.

With grins, the other two shuffle away and finally, big man is in sight.

Maddoc, the god he is, is wearing solid black trunks, and I’d expect no different. He doesn’t need to be flashy to be seen. He’s got the aesthetic that forces your fixation - you simply can’t miss the man. Especially not right now with the way those trunks ride low on his hips. His happy trail is practically screaming to be played with.

I look to him, finding his stare stuck on my thighs.

Those fiery eyes lift to mine.

Yeah ... this is gonna happen eventually.

He takes a step toward me, but Royce clamps a hand on his shoulder.

“Lights out, brother.”

Maddoc licks his lips and looks off, making me grin.

Captain collects all their phones, and turns to me. “Putting these in the safe for the night, so stick close by us or Leo, ‘cause you won’t be able to call us if you need to.”

“One, I don’t have your numbers. Two, I don’t have a phone,” I laugh and shut my light off, meeting them at the end of the hall. “And three, I’m a big girl. I—”

“Just do what you’re told, Raven.”

I slink up next to Maddoc, slowly planting my hand on his bare chest, ignoring the way it gets my pulse kicking. His skin’s as hot as he is. “Yes, boss.”

He frowns, knowing I’ll do whatever I please, just like I know he’ll be waiting to step in should he not approve. I’m learning the ways of the bossy bastard.

“Aight, let’s have some fun!” Royce shouts as Maddoc pulls the door open.

A burst of cold air hits us and I shiver.

Royce pulls me in, brushing his fingers along my arm playfully. He drops his lips to my ear. “Told you, warm body’ll work best for this.”

I laugh and shove him off.

With a lungful of air, I step outside first and the boys follow.They weren’t playing.

Nothing but half-naked bodies everywhere.

Seems they’ve used the walking path to start lining up sleeping bags and I heard they’ve already got three people assigned to some - a couple who got caught fucking on the countertops in one cabin and a chick who forgot her lipstick got screwed as well. She tried to argue it, but apparently needing that perfect pout isn’t reason enough for a free pass inside.

What the hell will happen when the girls start having to pee, who knows.

I glance around. The groups are spread out well so people can roam from one spot to another as they want. There are several different games going on around – dice, cards, beer pong and quarters. I’m sitting next to the fools who suck at throwing disks.

“Rae!” Leo shouts. “Come on, girl, I need a teammate. Mine passed out.” He motions toward a guy sleeping on top of a nearby picnic table.

“Didn’t wanna risk getting caught headed for his bed?”

“Nope.” Leo laughs. “But I’m not sure that table’s any better than a screwed sleeping sack. First night, Cari Thomas fucked Mark Rogers on there, and last night, well you saw Madman gettin’ his dick sucked. Probably wiped his cum on it.”