I take my time eating and then make quick work of cleaning the kitchen and collecting the few empty cups from around the living room from last night. Grabbing my blanket, I head back downstairs for a shower.

Dressing in my dark grey joggers, tennies, and white hoodie, I head down to the little creek and follow along the carved-out path, wrapping around the outskirts of the cabins.

This place is so much bigger than the dark night let on. With trees so high you can’t see the top and miles upon miles of forestry, I can see why Captain used the word peaceful. It’s just ... different out here. Quiet yet loud. There’s a freedom in the air here you can’t find on city streets.

As I come around the first corner, I run into a bunch of my new classmates jacking around outside their own cabins.

I keep going.

Eventually, I’m a solid mile away and at the farthest point of the circular area. I decide to cut through the center to head back, and wouldn’t you know it, sitting around a morning fire is Collins.

What the hell would he and his people be doing here?

He’s the first to spot me from his clan, and his eyes narrow, but when they shoot past my shoulder, finding me alone, he grins and waves me over.

“Raven Carver.”

“In the flesh.” I tuck my hands in my pockets and half sit on a large tree stump, nodding hello to the other guys who feel the need to stare.

“Thought I might find you here.”

“Really?” I tilt my head. “’Cause I never would have thought I’d find me here.”

He grins and I relax a little.

My hands form fists in my pockets when he stands and steps toward me.

He waits until he’s right in front of me before whispering, “Anything change since our last conversation? You an official ‘Bray Girl’ now?”

“Don’t act like you’d care either way.” I don’t bother whispering and at first, he glares. But it’s true and he knows it, which is why he laughs in the next second.

“’Bout to play some air hockey.” He steps back, looking me over with clear interest. “You in?”

I’m about to pass on the invitation to go inside what I’m assuming is his cabin – I’m not a dumbass – but then I glance left where his friends are unfolding a portable table and figure fuck it. Nothing else to do. “Sure. Why not.”

He nods and heads for his cabin. “I’m getting another drink. You want something?”

“I’m good.”

“I bet you are, Rae.” He winks and walks away.

I roll my eyes and look back to his buddies.

A tall dark-haired guy with crazy grey eyes and a scar above his eyebrow hands me the puck and handle, but he doesn’t say a word.

I make my way over to the table right as Collins is coming back out, suddenly shirtless.

I lift a brow because really? It’s fucking cold out here, hence the need for the fire pits.

He only winks again, making it a point to brush against me as he passes.

I keep my eyes on him as he steps around the table, laughing when he grips the edges, purposely tightening his muscles.

“Don’t be so extra.” I scan his chest and abs and meet his eyes again. “You don’t need to be.”

“You saying I look good, Carver?”

“You really gonna stand there and pretend like you don’t?”

He grins, waving a hand out for me to start us off.

We play three rounds and I whoop his ass each time.

“Damn it!” he shouts with a laugh, slamming his handle down on the table.

I smile to myself, setting mine down as well so I can push my sleeves up and tie my hair back in a high ponytail.

He makes his way around the table, stepping right in front of me. “Good game, Carver.”

“Thanks, Collins.” I squish my lips to the side to keep from laughing at his bull. “But maybe back up a few steps, huh?”

He’s trying to appear harmless, and for the most part, he might be, but the slight gleam in his eyes gives him away. He’s a stature driven, khaki-wearing, preppy bastard who craves a dirty victory.

He’s only getting warmed up.

I should go.

His head snaps up in the next second, the sound of tires against gravel catching his attention. His brows dipping in the center. “What cabin did you say you’re in again?” He looks back to me.

I lick my lips, staring at him head-on. “I didn’t, but you didn’t ask.”

“What cabin you staying in, Rae?”


Nobody says anything, but based on how each head turns toward Collins it’s obvious they know who the largest cabin on the lot belongs to.

I move my eyes around the group.

Each sits up taller, a few stepping closer to their leader, closer to me.

And then Collins steps into me, quickly wrapping his arm around my middle as he pulls me against him.