They had a childish laugh over it.

“So, Raven, what cabin are you staying in?”

“Depends,” I answer and all the females who have placed themselves near me, look my way.

The girl clears her throat and leans forward. “On what?”

When I smirk, the fluffy attitude falters and her claws show despite her best effort.

“You think you get top pick over all of us?” She sits back slowly and her friends glare along with her. “Nobody even knew you’d be here. You don’t get to ruin the plans the rest of us made because someone felt the need to drag you along.”

“Janessa,” a golden-haired girl warns quietly, her eyes wide in apology – she’s clearly worried about the Bray’s little “touch her not” rule.

But good ole Janessa, as she was called, is not deterred, she’s got some liquid courage coursing through her and purses her perfect lips and fuck this bitch.

I was fucking around, but now she’s insulting me.


I see who she keeps eyeing when she thinks nobody’s watching. She’s not a sly as she assumes, but I do give her props for not going all out obvious.

Little miss blonde hair, blue eyes, prettier than me on my best day but more makeup on than my mom on cougar night at the bar, has her sights set on Captain.

“How ‘bout a bet?”

Her eyes narrow. “Bet for what?”

“The commander, the skipper...” I goad her, but the confused look on her face tells me it’s over her pretty little head. “You know, the Captain.”

Her mouth forms a tight line.

“Wonder if he follows the code and ... goes down with the ship.”

She flies from her seat, ready to get in my face, but I meet her one step forward with three of my own.

“This has been in the works for the last two weeks. Back off.”


She falters a bit. “Bet what?”

“Bet if we approach him, he’ll walk away with you.”

A weak little chortle leaves her, and she looks to her friends who wear tight expressions. They’re as unsure as her, even though they pretend I’m talking crazy.

This is totally unnecessary, but now I want to ruin her fun since she got on my case for no reason.

“There’s no point.” She crosses her arms. “It’s already set for later. Once he’s done partying, he’ll find me.”

“I’m nothing for you to worry about then.”

“As if you could take my place.”

I shrug and step back.

She rolls her eyes and drops back in her chair. “Screw you and your bet, I already know for a fact he’ll be mine tonight.”

“Okay.” I shrug and walk off before she can say a word.

Cap is standing off to the side with Leo and a couple girls from school when I approach.

“Wassup, Rae?” Leo holds his fist out, so I give him knuckles.

“Not a damn thing.” I keep my eyes on Captain.

He studies me. “What’d you do?”


“Nothing ... yet?”

I pop a shoulder. “You got plans with the bride of Chuckie over there?”

Leo spits beer, laughing and Captain grins.

“More like an open option, but uh...” He looks to the brunette beside Leo. “She’s not needed now.”

“I thought Royce was the slut?”

“I am.” Royce moseys up, throwing his arm around me.

Maddoc slides over and pushes it off.

“What’s going on?” Maddoc questions.

I look back to Cap. “Come on, packman. Let’s cause trouble.”

“Wait, I wanna cause trouble,” Royce whines but I shove him away.

“Not your turn,” I tell him, ignoring his pout. “She’s acting like a bitch, and I wanna bitch slap her, but I’m too tired to deal with your guys’ crap later. So, I’ll settle for an ego hit instead.”

“And how exactly do you plan to do that?” Maddoc snaps.

I grin and step toward Captain who puffs his chest out, a smile playing at his lips. “I’m tired, Cap.” I run my fingers down the center of his chest, cutting a quick glance at Maddoc when he steps closer.

“The fuck’s goin’ on?” Royce whispers not so quietly.

“Put me to bed?” I ask Cap, unable to keep from smiling.

Bride of Chuckie is standing now, I see her in my periphery.

“Captain,” Maddoc’s voice rumbles.

Leo steps back at the sound, putting distance between himself and the four of us.

“Chill, brother.” Captain doesn’t take his eyes off me, but reassures his brother in a whisper, “Just having some fun.”

He passes his drink to Royce, his other hand meeting my lower back and together we head for the cabin.

Yes, it’s the one I was already staying in, but she doesn’t know that.

At the door, Captain moves my hair over my shoulders and bends to whisper in my ear, his hands moving to grip my hips. He plays the part well. “It’s no wonder the girls can’t hang with you, Raven.”

“Why do you say that?” I turn the knob, then cover his hands with mine as we shuffle in.

“Because you do what you want and don’t let their shit get to you, at least not where they can tell.”