“Nobody does a damn thing for us because they want to. They do it when they want something. You didn’t hesitate. Didn’t think twice, when you probably should have, so ... now we’re curious,” Captain says.

“About what?”

When both Captain and Royce look to Maddoc, I do the same.

He stares a moment before he says, “Everything.”

The way he says it, combined with the frenzied look in his eyes tells me he ain’t lying. He, for one, is curious about ... everything.

“Not that I’d believe you, but for the fuck of it, tell me ... do I need to watch my back when it comes to the three of you or is this a temporary treaty of sorts?”

“Treaty?” Maddoc raises a brow, a smirk on his thick ass lips.

“Yeah, your highness. Can I piss in peace or not?”

“Bad example, RaeRae, ‘cause now we’re all picturing you with your pants around your ankles.”

My eyes snap to Royce’s just in time to see him slapping at the air like he’s smacking ass and I can’t help it, I bust up laughing.

Captain reaches over and pops a chuckling Royce in the back of the head and Maddoc frowns at me.

I shake my head, licking my lips, ignoring how all three sets of eyes have zero self-control and each land on my mouth.

“Okay, you guys are way too dick-driven for a girl to be in your mix. Maybe you should rethink—”

“Out of the car, Raven. Time to put on a show.”

A show.


I try the handle again and the damn thing opens.

I attempt to delay this little sighting they’ve clearly set up, but Maddoc is quick to tell me to hurry up.

All the boys, sexy and domineering in their own way stand at the front of the vehicle, tall and broad and untouchable, even by the rain it seems as the sky begins to clear. Gone are the easy smiles and teasing grins. Their eyes are empty, their stares blank.

This is who the world gets – cool, cold and calculated.

I hitch my backpack up over my shoulder and slowly move for them. I meet each one’s stare, nodding as a silent message passes, and not just between them, but for me as well.

Here, they’re not three boys who need more, they don’t smile at donuts, or enjoy the rain.

Here, they’re the Boys of Brayshaw and nothing else.

So why did I get to see a little from the inside?

An even better question, why does it make me feel ... I don’t know how I feel.

Annoyed. Confused.


I shake it off and together the four of us make our way up to the front. Once we hit the doors, Maddoc grabs my elbow and pulls me to the side.

I look to him with drawn in eyebrows, but he glances away.

We stand there a few moments and then the doors burst open, a man in a suit leading one of the teachers out, shining cuffs slapped across his wrists.

His head is down but as he passes it pops up. He spots the boys and pales, jerking his stare forward.

My eyes follow them down the steps and around the corner.

I didn’t even spot a cop car.

I turn around right as a girl shuffles out, fear I recognize etched in her eyes as she cradles herself more with each step, a seemingly loving mother crying at her side.

The girl’s eyes discreetly lift, quickly skating past the guys and instantly her tears fall. She grips her mother’s hand, giving me a tight smile as she passes.

I cut my tense expression to Maddoc, but his eyes follow the mother and daughter to their car at the curb.

And then nothing else is said.

Royce pulls open the door, winking at me as I slide past him and again we fall in line. Every few feet more join, falling behind us. Leo, the guy who gave me a ride to the party, being one but he doesn’t acknowledge my presence, which is fine. The rest of the guys I recognize from gym – their teammates, I think.

No females walk over. But oh, do they stare.

When their feet stop moving mine do too.

Captain looks to the guys behind him and everyone scatters.

“She was abused,” he tells me.

I nod, having gathered that, but it doesn’t explain what just happened.

Cap nods and walks away, leaving me, Royce and Maddoc.

Maddoc gives knuckles to Royce then glances to me.

He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth as he walks backward, his head tipped back the slightest bit. It’s sexy as shit, the bastard.

“See you in class, Snow.”

I nod, unable to look away as he turns and walks off.

Girls call his name as he passes, but he pretends not to hear them and continues down the hall solo.

“Look away, RaeRae. Your nipples are getting hard and your bra has no padding.” Royce eases the tension with his fuck boy ways.