From them, I get stares and whispers and side glances, but I don’t acknowledge their presence – I’m good at avoiding eye contact.

By lunch the next day, I’ve figured it out.

Yesterday, was the start of their public show of release – I’ve finally been “let go” as the groupie.

It’s almost laughable really, how every person picks up on their wordless show.

But it’s whatever, I’m more of a loner type as it is. I didn’t ask for their attention, they forced it on me. I’m happy to be the sideshow.

“Rae!” Bass calls from a few tables over, his feet thrown on the one in front of it.

I tip my chin and he tips his back with a grin, so I slip from my seat and walk his way, feeling several curious eyes on me as I do.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Bishop?”

“Come to the spot tonight, just to kick it. I’m not running the bets, so I get to chill.” He grins. “Chill with me, Rae.”

I laugh lightly, tapping my knuckles on the table. “I might.”

“You might, means you won’t.”

“How do you know?”

He grins. “I speak Raven.”

I laugh and step backward toward the door. “How about a ‘we’ll see?’”

He tosses a piece of a napkin at me. “I’ll take it.”

With a shake of my head, I turn for the exit for some fresh air before the bell rings.

When I look up, my stare locks with Maddoc’s, finding his brows slanted in heavy disapproval. Yet he says nothing.

I leave the cafeteria, annoyed how a single look from the stranger behind me has me feeling fickle.

I brush it off and make my way down the short pathway to the courts where a few younger guys are shooting hoops. I doubt they’re on the team, they’re not all that, but they seem to be having fun.

I laugh when they get excited over a shot made from a few feet in front of the basket with no one around to give them a little run for their money.

The ball bounces and rolls to my feet so I pick it up and toss it back.

The cute guy with shaggy bangs, nods his head with a large smile. “Thanks.”

I shrug, grinning back and he takes that as an invitation to walk over.

I push off the fence to stand straight.

“It’s Rae, right?”

I nod.

“I’m Jeremy.” He reaches out if as he’s going to shake my hand but sees how dirty his is from the ball and pulls it back with a laugh. “Sorry.”

“You’re fine.”

“Right.” He looks behind him, nervously, then back to me and I laugh lightly.

He’s cute, clearly not full of himself, but confident enough to come over here. That’s cool.

“Hey, so now that you’re—”


His eyes fly over my shoulder and my muscles lock, but I don’t look.

I already fucking know who it is.

The guy lifts the ball in the air, then spins around with a tight smile, joining his friends again.

I shake my head with a sigh. “You got a lot of nerve, big man.”

“You make a lot of stupid decisions, Snow. You think that guy or Bass Bishop wants anything from you other than a chance to slip inside you? Because they don’t. All they know is you were handling three men last week, and now were set free. They want their shot.”

“You should help me out,” I deadpan. “Tell them how good it was, big man. You know, put in a solid word in the locker room?”

I turn to face him when he doesn’t respond, and it seems that’s exactly what he wanted.

He crowds my space instantly, forcing me to look up the closer he gets.

“You think you’re worth the time and energy for anything other than a quick fuck in the back seat?” he growls. “Because you’re not. You’re the one they settle for when the worthy pussy is tied-up somewhere else. Not the one they’d work for.”

His eyes rake over me with pure disdain. That, combined with the way his words are delivered with such disgust, is almost enough to wake the weak girl buried deep down inside me.


He continues to stare, frustration growing more evident with each passing second. His nostrils flare as his brows push closer. He dips down, bringing his eyes level with mine.

Angry emerald.

He’s mad and he’s mad about it.

Fuck him.

“Get out of my face,” I hiss.

“Get out of my head.”

My brows jump before I can stop them and he jerks away.

He licks his lips, his frown as present as ever, and then he’s gone.“Well, that didn’t last long.”

I roll my eyes, closing my PE locker, and turn to the pain in the ass behind me.

Chloe smirks. “For a girl who didn’t want them, you sure came in quick and fell out fast.”

“You’re welcome.” I step around her and head for the gym.


“For freeing up your man, Clo. That’s what you were worried about, right?” I turn, pushing the door I open with my back. “Him getting tied down before you had your shot.”