My brows lift and I gesture to the joint under his foot, fucking ruined. “Smoking.” Obviously.

“This court is off-limits to you.”

A laugh bubbles out of me and his frown deepens, his buddies sauntering over to join our little party. “This is a public park.”

“Do you see anyone else out here?” His glare drops to the cut under my eye before snapping back to mine.

Now that I glance around, I don’t. Not a soul but the four of us.

“Look, I couldn’t care less about your little game. I can’t smoke at the Bray house, I can’t smoke at the school. Every fucking time I try to walk around the back of the property the staff lady flips out and says I can’t go back there. That or some scavenger tries to come with me. I don’t like people. I don’t like sharing, and I don’t want to be bothered, so go back to your game and I’ll reroll what’s still smokable. How’s that sound?”

Royce lets out a quick chuckle but covers it by clearing his throat and turning away when, big man here, cuts him a glare. Captain, however, frowns my way and of course, Maddoc isn’t impressed.

He bends until his pretty little face is level with mine. He moves his foot and looks to the joint then me.

I eye him for a moment, then when it’s clear he’s about to snatch it up I make a grab for it, but he’s quicker and my hand hits nothing but dirt.

I push to my feet, shoving at his chest before stepping against him, and his features tighten. He stands stiff as a statue, peering down at the girl from the gutter much dirtier than him.

“You want in rotation, big man? Cool. But you’re not walking off with that.”

He closes his fist around it, those light eyes of his daring me to make a move.

And I would have already, if I thought there was one that would work on a guy like him. Big and bold, fearless by nature and loyal by choice. A man undeterred by a female’s body.

Rare as fuck.

Behind us, a car door slams and our attention is pulled.

“Fuck man, here we go,” Royce whispers and Maddoc’s muscles go stiff.

As the officer approaches, Maddoc’s jaw clenches tighter and tighter, his hand twitching slightly.

My joint.

Wait, he’s worried about being caught with it?

I quickly glance at all three boys, finding the same thunderous expressions etched across their faces, and my brows pull in. They’re not concerned, they’re maddened.

But why?

A low rumble leaves Maddoc and I refocus.

Sliding to the left, I tuck my body behind his large one. Not sure why, but I lightly tap the edge of his knuckle and his eyes flash to mine. There’s no time for him to decide, but still, he holds his fist tight.

“Open,” I hiss. A small pinch develops between his brows, but finally, his grip relaxes enough for me to grab the smashed up joint right as the officer steps up and we’re all forced to face him.

“Well, well. If it isn’t the last standing Brayshaws. Maddoc, Captain, Royce, staying out of trouble I hope?” he asks before his eyes slide to mine. “And a new little friend.” The man steps closer, the curiosity he doesn’t hide putting me on edge. “Don’t believe I’ve seen you around yet Miss...”

He shakes his head when I only stare.

He turns to Maddoc and Maddoc’s eyes cut to mine as he steps back. Spreading his arms out wide, his fists open so his fingers are pointing straight out. He licks his lips and drops his head back a bit in a lazy, carefree motion.

Clearly, this happens all the time. It’s bullshit but it tells me they must be on probation or something– searchable at any time. Guy’s technically just doing his job.

The officer laughs at my frown as he searches Maddoc. “Soon as I learn who you are, I might need to search you just the same.”

“She’s ours to worry about, Graven. Nothing for you to learn,” Royce grits and the officer chuckles, patting Maddoc in the back to let him know he’s done.

Maddoc shakes him off and shifts to stand beside Royce, which happens to leave me on the other side of him.

“Take care boys. Be seeing ya.” He eyes me a moment then turns for his car, gets in and drives away.

Captain lets out a low whistle while Maddoc’s flashes on me.

“You almost got me caught up!”

My head pulls back.

Is he for real?

“No ... you almost got you caught up. Had you not tried to steal my shit, I wouldn’t have had to get it back.”

“Maybe you should stay out of our damn way.”

“Maybe you should stop acting like I’m in your way!”

A deep growl fights its way up his throat but he swallows it, the corded muscles of his neck throbbing as he does.