Page 35 of Wrong For Me

Unfortunately, the hour is over too quickly, and before I know it, it’s time to go back in.

I ignore the others in the parking lot and make my way to the doors. But, before I can enter, Rowan intercepts me and pulls me to the side.

“Rowan, what the hell?” I glare, yanking my arm back.

“What was that today?” he questions.

“I cleared up a misconception. Even you have to admit that it was a long time coming.”

“What’s going on, Oakley? You’re acting different.” He starts pacing in front of me. “We haven’t hung out with each other all week. I haven’t even been able to reach you on your cell the last few days. I feel like you’re pushing me out.”

“It hasn’t been intentional or to hurt you. I’ve just been busy with the academy, and Alec’s been there …” I trail off, and he stops to glare. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“I want you to tell me you’re not involved with him.”

“Would it matter if I was?”

“Yes!” he hisses in a whisper. “It would.”

“Why, Rowan?” I challenge. “Tell me why.”

“Because …” The word is instant, but then he hesitates and looks away.

“Because you thought I’d always be here, waiting for when you were ready?”

His pinched gaze comes back to mine.

“That’s fucked up, Row, and you know it.”

“That’s not it! You’re acting like I don’t care for you, and I do. You have to know I do,” he pleads, his hands coming up to case in my cheeks. “Oakley, other than my mom, you’re the most important person in my life.”

“Rowan …” I whisper, tears forming in my eyes. “I can’t be that girl anymore. I love you; I do. But there’s a big difference between being important and being yours. I can’t be left in limbo with you.”

“Then, you won’t be,” he promises, and my hands lift to cover his. “Let’s give it a shot.”

“I don’t want to, Row. Not anymore.”

I give him a sad smile, and he shakes his head, stepping closer.

“You don’t belong with him.”

“Don’t do this.”

“You don’t. He’s not what you think.”

“Stop.” I remove his hands from my face and step back. “We’re not doing this.”

As I walk away, he calls out, “I’ll prove it to you, Oakley. You’ll see.”

I halt my steps, slowly turning to look back at him. “I don’t need you to prove anything, Rowan. Alec’s shown me enough for me to make my own decision. What I need from you is my old friend back. The one who cared for me because he wanted to, not because he was worried someone else did.”

Rowan’s shoulders drop, and he lets out a deep breath. “Oaks … I’m sorry.”

I nod, turning to the door before he sees the tears that start to fall.

I fear our friendship won’t make it now that he knows where my head is, but I’ll do all I can to try to make it work.

Because, at the end of the day, I don’t want to lose Rowan, but losing Alec isn’t an option.Chapter FourteenOakleyMy eyes fly open, and I panic when a hand clamps tight over my mouth. I try to scream, but more pressure is applied, and the figure grows closer.

I can’t see, so I blindly swing and kick.

I freeze when he hisses in my ear, “Stop! It’s me. Don’t fucking move. Don’t say a word. Got it?”


I nod, inhaling deeply when he removes his hand.

“Someone’s outside,” he whispers.

“Call the police!” I whisper-yell.

He frowns, lifting his finger to his lips, telling me to stop talking. “I’ve got this. Get in the closet, quietly close the door, and don’t come out unless you hear me call for you. Understood?”

“What? Hell no! You’re—” He frowns again, so I lower my voice. “You’re not leaving me in here! Let me help.”

“Fuck no.”

“I’m not as fragile as you take me for, Alec.”

“As far as I’m concerned, your ass is glass.” He scowls. “Stay. Here.”

I pull myself closer to him. “Why can’t we call the cops?”

“It doesn’t work—”

He cuts off, and my eyes widen when we hear footsteps outside the window.

Please, I mouth, tears starting to form as the threat gets real, don’t leave me here.

He grips my waist, lifting and depositing me in the closet. “Don’t fucking move. I mean it. I’m going around the side.”

I shake my head, gripping his bicep hard, begging without words not to be left alone.

His face contorts, the vein of his jaw beating angrily. He lowers his head, quickly dragging his nose against my neck before he’s gone.

Only when he walks from the room do I see the gun in the back of his jeans.

Slapping my hand over my mouth, I squeeze my eyes tight, trying to force the tears away and anxiety down, but it’s no use.

I tilt my head back, leaning against the wall as I listen to the chaos that starts to unfold.