Page 21 of Wrong For Me

He sometimes used to ask if I felt like I needed a woman to talk to, but I didn’t miss what I didn’t have. And, after a while, Rowan’s mom sort of took me under her wing.

I think she wants me with Rowan even more than I do. She’s constantly making comments about how, one day, everything will be how it is meant to be.

My dad always laughs it off, never acknowledging my and Rowan’s closeness. In all honesty, I don’t think he’s ever believed our relationship. Or lack thereof. I guess maybe no dad wants to think about his daughter’s love life.

I’m pulled from my thoughts when Alec wordlessly sets a cup of coffee in front of me, disappearing before I can thank him. Only then do I realize that I forgot my mug at home.

It seems strange for Alec to notice something so small, but I don’t question it. I just appreciate the gesture.

I turn on some music, forcing myself to get lost in work.

It works, and the day flies by.

I had two days’ worth of written exams to grade and timings to update in our tracking system, so I was out of class all day. And I’m pretty sure Alec was on board, which was perfect. As it was, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to guide the recruits today. I even hid from Rowan at lunch, choosing to eat alone in the back.

A while later, after all the students and other staff members are gone, Alec drops into the seat on my left and starts reading over tomorrow’s lesson plan. His phone goes off several times, but he ignores it, eventually stuffing it in his front pocket.

He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even look my way, so neither do I. I just keep working, and before we know it, it’s time to go.

When I shift to stand, he looks up, watching my every move.

I try not to think about his eyes on me, but it’s hard. Intensity rolls off him like a cloud of smoke, spreading until it sucks all the air from the room, leaving me breathless and desperate for … something.

“You leaving?”

I lick my lips, nodding. “I’m beat, so … yeah.”

He stares, studying me.

When I break eye contact, he hops up from his seat, his reflection staring at me through the door.

Guess he’s leaving, too.

He says nothing as we walk to our cars and still nothing as I get in mine and close the door.

“He is so weird,” I mutter to myself as I kick on the heater.

My phone rings as I back out, so I hit the Answer button on my stereo. “Hello?”


“Hey, Dad. I’m just heading home.”

“I know.”

My brows pull in.

“Did you talk to Havannah? She going home?”

“Yeah. She called me a couple of hours ago, said she was headed there now.”

“Good, good. You tell her to call you when she got there?”

“She said she would.” I turn down my street. “What’s going on, Dad? You freak about not wanting me alone and then send home Havannah. What gives?”

“You won’t be alone.”

“I … what?”

“I’ve made arrangements.”

“Dad, I don’t want one of your … whatever you wanna call the guys who travel with you.”

“Not them.”

“Then, who?” I ask, pulling into my driveway. Just as I do, a black truck pulls up behind me, blocking my car in.

The driver hops out and heads right for my door.

“Oh, hell no,” I whisper in shock.


“Are you joking right now? No freaking way!”


I turn the car off and hop out, hanging up on my dad.

“No way!” I shout, stepping up to him.

He ignores me and pulls my keys from my hand. He grabs my wrist and drags me to the door.

“Alec!” I shout, fighting his grip. “What the he—”

“Shut up, Oakley, and move your damn feet.”

I growl, allowing him to unlock the door and shove me inside.

He follows, locking the dead bolt behind him, and before I can scream, he takes off, quickly entering and exiting every room in the house.

“What the hell are you looking for? Stay out of my room!”

He exits with a glare. “You forgot to make your bed after your little fuck session.”

“Wooow. Okay.” I hop in front of him. “Talk, Alec. Now.”

He steps around me, reaching into my fridge for a water. “Your dad asked me to stay with you ‘til he’s home.”



“My dad hates you. He wouldn’t—”

Alec starts laughing a full belly laugh, and I freeze mid-sentence, staring at the freak in front of me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him laugh.

“Oh, Oakley. You really are as blind as you seem, aren’t you?”

When I cross my arms over my chest, his grin grows.

“Yeah, you are,” he continues. “This should be interesting.”

“You are not staying here.”


“I can have Rowan come. I don’t need you here.”

Alec slams his water bottle down, getting in my face. “No, you won’t. Bring him here while I’m here, and I’ll make this so much worse for you, Oakley. I’m gonna open your eyes, baby.”