Page 11 of Wrong For Me

“You done?” He frowns at the hand weights that line the wall of the gym.

“Everything looks good. The locksmith came, repaired, and replaced what he needed. All the equipment was signed off on and cleared for use.” I nod, dusting my hands across my jeans, scanning the room to be sure I haven’t forgotten anything.

“Did you not check these before they were used today?”

My brows pinch. “Course I did.”

“Then, why are you wasting your time again?” He pulls his phone from his pocket, frowning at the screen before stuffing it back in.

“There’s always room for error.”

“Like the missing date from this morning?”

I open my mouth to defend myself but think better of it. Even though it wasn’t my error, I was the second set of eyes and still missed it. I’ll take the hit.

He stares at me and then turns around and walks back toward the door. “Come on.”




I should tell him to kick rocks, what with his demanding attitude and all, but when I follow him into the kitchen to find he’s had food delivered, I’m glad I didn’t.

Without turning from the take-out boxes, he says, “Make a damn plate. All you’ve eaten today is a can of Pringles.”

I don’t know how he knows that, but I don’t argue. The food smells too good, and I’m starved.

I mumble a quick, “Thanks,” and step up to the counter.

As I pile up a plate, I hear Alec take a seat at the table behind me, his chair scraping against the concrete floor. I do my best to ignore that he’s there, but I can feel him watching my every move.

It’s always felt like a Cyclops stare where Alec is concerned. His eyes burn my skin anytime his gaze lands on mine, and I start to trip up, overanalyzing everything, knowing he’s watching. And he’s always watching.

Once my plate is full, I go to exit the room, jumping when his water bottle slams against the tabletop.

“I suggest you keep your little relationship off Blackline grounds. Unless you consider grinding on your boyfriend a special skill.”

With a gasp, I spin to face him, but again, words fail me.

With his arms crossed over his wide chest, his angry eyes sear me.

He smirks; it’s ugly and full of malevolence. “Are you not going to deny you’re dry-fuckin’ on the clock? On my time? I am your superior after all.”

“What?” My eyes shoot wide, and his smirk disappears, pure disdain blanketing his features.

Oh my God … Rowan. He was all over me this morning, but it was far from anything Alec’s making it out to be.

Wait. Alec … saw?

Kill me.

What can I say? I can’t deny it; he was obviously watching.


I meet his eyes and see that his have grown slightly tenser—not quite as angry, but more … intrusive. “I’d say it wasn’t what it looked like, but not only is that none of your business, but it would also be me making an excuse for something that never should have happened out in the open like that.” The corners of his eyes crease slightly. “I can at least say it won’t happen again.”

With that, I spin around to walk out.

Only then do I notice the seat across from his has been pushed out, a fresh bottle of water and napkin in front of it—an invitation for me to join him.

And here I was, in a rush to leave.

I look to him with my brows drawn in, my face a perfect picture of confusion. He keeps his eyes on his food.


One word, and suddenly, I feel like a weight’s been placed on my chest. My feet refuse to move, and my eyes don’t listen when I tell them to leave his face.


I heard it in his voice. It was small, almost unnoticeable, but it was new, so through the ever-present anger, I caught it.

He wanted me to sit, eat, and enjoy. With him.

The pressure increases, making it harder to breathe, and I glance away and then back.

“Go, Oakley.”

He still doesn’t look at me, and as I walk out, my head down and appetite suddenly gone, I realize something.

I could never stand an angry Alec, but a hurt one … he’s dangerous.Chapter FourOakley“Free time’s over!” Alec yells from down the hall.

I peek at my watch and roll my eyes, shoving the last of my banana in my mouth as I make my way to Alec’s office. He seems to be under the impression he’s in charge around here, and so far, I’ve found it’s easier to let him believe that. Gotta pick my battles, and I think I’ll save my ammo for another.

“You rang, oh mighty one.”

He doesn’t turn around but starts sifting through files on his desk. “That smart mouth. Better be careful, Oakley. I think I like it.”

My eyes fly to the back of his head, narrowing as I grow suddenly anxious. “Oh, please, this is nothing new, and you hate being challenged in any way, especially when it comes from me.”