Page 21 of Doctor Dearest

“Yeah, he’s a doctor at the hospital.”

“Who?” I ask, somewhat frantically. “Wait—no. It doesn’t matter. No.”

Feeling Connor watching me, I swallow and force my attention back down to my now cold dinner.

“C’mon, you don’t want to go out? Just one date? I think he really likes you.”

“Who is it?” Connor asks, sounding gruff.

“Daniel,” Noah tells him.

“Daniel, emergency medicine Daniel?” he asks for clarification.


“Isn’t he young?”

“So? Natalie’s young too.”

“He’s also a prick,” Connor says before shoving a bite of spaghetti into his mouth.

I peer over at him carefully, curious now that he seems so upset by the idea of me taking Noah up on his offer.

“Does he have blond hair? Buzz cut?” I ask, trying to figure out if I know who they’re talking about.

“Yeah, he plays football with us sometimes. You’ve met him before.”

I nod. “I know who you’re talking about. He’s nice.”

“So? What do you think?” Noah prods me for an answer.

Before I can reply, Connor butts in. “He’s not that nice. Wasn’t he just bragging about sleeping with that nurse over the weekend?”

Noah frowns. “I didn’t hear that.”

“Yeah. On Saturday.”

I stand and scoot my chair away from the table. “No thanks.”

“Jesus, Noah. I can’t believe you were thinking of letting her date Daniel.”

Noah rears back in defense. “I was considering it. He’s been hounding me for a while, really going on about how he has a crush on her and wanted to come to me about it first.”

“How chivalrous,” I tease. “Was he even going to consider my feelings on the matter?”

“Sure, after he got my approval.”

“And you gave it to him?” Connor asks, incensed by the notion.

Noah sends him a scathing look. “No, not yet. I wanted to talk to Natalie about it. What’s your problem anyway? I didn’t think you had an issue with Daniel.”

“I don’t know. As a doctor? He’s probably fine. As a boyfriend? I think Natalie could do better.”

I raise my hand. “Hi, Natalie here. Thanks for all the concern, but I wasn’t going to take Daniel up on his offer anyway.”

“Good,” Connor says with a clipped tone, turning his attention back to his dinner.

Noah’s still staring at him with an odd expression as I walk over to start washing dishes. The room stays tense and silent.

Then Connor asks Noah if he caught any highlights from a game that was on last night. Noah groans and they jump into it. Just that like, they’re best buds again, all discussions of who I should and shouldn’t date long forgotten.

For now.Chapter SixConnorTuesday night, I’m lounging on the couch in Noah’s living room when I catch sight of Natalie emerging from the guest house wearing dark jeans and a tight sleeveless black top—a fuck-me outfit if there ever was one. As she walks toward the townhouse, she tries adjusting the shirt to cover up the sliver of toned stomach peeking out from the bottom, but it’s no use.

She shouldn’t bother. It looks great on her. She has a body made for sin.

Her hair hangs loose for once, dark soft curls forming a halo around her face. If she has makeup on, I can’t tell. She looks as beautiful as always. Some women fall into the cute category. Natalie does not. She’s ridiculously sexy, and her fighting against her shirt won’t change that.

I quickly throw my gaze back to the TV once she reaches the back door. When she steps inside, her footsteps are light on the floor as she walks behind the couch. I’m aware of her every step even as I try to pay attention to SportsCenter. Yes. Football. Goals. Winning.

“Where’s Noah?” she asks, searching for her brother. She seems to always do that when I’m around, as if she’s nervous to be left alone with me.

“Out with some of his team from the hospital,” I say, tossing the words over my shoulder. “They wanted to take him to dinner since he leaves tomorrow.”

“Oh. I didn’t realize.”

I glance back over the top of the couch to see her worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. She’s at the kitchen island, stuffing things into a little purse.

“I feel bad leaving you here all alone. Have you had dinner?”

I planned on ordering something. I was going to ask her if she wanted to join me, but it’s obvious she’s about to go out somewhere.

“Not yet.”

She frowns, and I’m paying too much attention to her lips. Stop.

“You want to join me then?” she asks, all friendly smiles and gracious attitude. “I’m heading out with the guys from my residency class one last time before they leave town.”

I want to ask if they’re bringing their wives with them, if they take their wedding vows seriously, but I tamp down the urge to act like a brute and instead shake my head. “You go on. I’ve had a long day. I need a night in.”