Page 73 of His Royal Highness

I feel cranky and unsatisfied.

He must feel the same way because we don’t say a word as we walk together, side by side, eyes straight ahead.

“When can I see you again?” I ask once we turn a corner.


“We’re having a Halloween-themed movie night in the dorm. Hocus Pocus. The girls will kill me if I cancel.”

“Tomorrow I’ve got meetings all day. Then there’s the trick-or-treat event in the park.”

“Thomas and Carrie are hosting a Halloween party at his apartment tomorrow night. Will you be there?”

“I don’t know yet. I’ll try.”

His hand finds mine and our fingers link together.

“I never thought I’d miss working as His Royal Highness,” he says, giving me a private smile.

I manage a meager smile in response just before his phone rings. He sighs. Apparently, our time is up.

I love Halloween as much as the next pumpkin-spice-drinking, decorating-for-fall-in-July girl, but my heart isn’t in it this year. Even the Oscar-worthy performances in Hocus Pocus can’t turn my mood around. The next day in the park, all the children are dressed in costumes with their candy buckets at the ready. After each photo I take, I dole out a piece of candy, and before I know it, my shift is over and I’m headed to have dinner with Cal. It’s later than usual by the time I arrive.

He’s sitting at the window in his living room, looking out at the park. It’s filled with trick-or-treaters still running around, trying to overflow their buckets. Tonight, the park will stay open later than usual. It’s why Derek is still out there working. No rest for the weary.

“It’s your favorite day of the year,” I tell Cal, coming to stand beside him.

It’s a day that proves there just might be a little bit of real magic going on behind the scenes at Fairytale Kingdom. As soon as the last trick-or-treater leaves the park, employees will immediately start taking down and hauling away all the Halloween decorations. While they’re still in motion, a second wave of employees will follow, ushering in Christmas. All year, our decorating team prepares for tonight. In the flowerbeds, fall mums are swapped for poinsettias. Pre-fluffed, pre-lit Christmas trees are placed on their marks. Wreaths and garland are hung across Castle Drive. The entire village is lit with thousands upon thousands of Christmas lights. Every year, I think, No. There’s no way they’ll manage to do it all in one night.

And yet they always do.

I usually sit here, perched next to Cal, staying up far past my bedtime just to watch everyone at work. Tonight, that’s my plan as well, but Cal seems confused by it.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

I glance down at my phone, rereading my texts from earlier.

Whitney: Any chance you can make it to Thomas’ party?Derek: Not sure. I don’t want to get your hopes up. I promise things will slow down soon.Whitney: No worries. I know you’re busy.Derek: Want to meet me for a quick dinner? I might have time around 8 PM.Whitney: I’m supposed to see Cal tonight. Could you join us?Derek: I’ll try.An hour ago, he texted again.

Derek: Can’t make dinner. I’m with the holiday team going through a final check before the park closes and things get underway. I’m sorry.Whitney: No, it’s okay. Good luck. XX“Nope,” I tell Cal, pocketing my phone. “It’s just you and me tonight.”

“Derek works too hard,” he says, probably catching a glimpse of my text messages.

“Derek’s not my only friend, you know. I have other places I could be. Carrie and Thomas are having a party.”

“Then why on earth are you here with me?”

“I wanted to check on you.”

“I’m fine. You know that. Next week, I plan on returning to work.”

I frown. “Really? Already?”

“It won’t be like before. I’m going to take a step back, help Derek transition into the Director of Operations role and make sure he has a good team around him so he can delegate. He can’t continue at the pace he’s working now. As it is, I don’t think he’s slept more than a few hours in the last two weeks.” He stands. “No, c’mon, you’re not hanging out here with me all night. I want you to go have fun.”

I resist. “I don’t even have a costume. It’s fine. I’m happy just hanging out with you.”

“Nonsense. Now, follow me. I have an idea.”Chapter TwentyWhitney“You’re kidding,” Carrie says dryly.

I hold out my hands. “What?”

“Most of the women here are dressed like they’ve lost half their clothes and you show up like this.”

I spin in a circle. “What’s wrong with my costume?”

Thomas steps up behind Carrie at the door and doubles over in laughter. “You nailed it! You win.”

I smile. “Thank you. Now, are you going to invite me inside or am I just going to stand out here in the hall all night?”