For a moment his hardened expression remained the same, unmoving. All at once he smiled and his demeanor relaxed. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand, then brought his other to cover them both and pat them like she was a child. “No wife of mine is going to work. I plan on taking care of you.”
To any outside observer, he sounded sweet and caring. Cayden was the epitome of a good fiancé and future husband.
But she could read between the lines. He wasn’t trying to take care of her. He planned on controlling her. In reality, he was already doing so.
She finally managed to tug her hand free so she could clear her place.
“Tomorrow, sweetness. I’ll take you dancing tomorrow. It’ll be exactly the thing to brighten your spirits.”
There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he believed he was charming. But she most certainly wouldn’t be enjoying his company at all.
Aria didn’t missthe side-eye Sophia shot in Cayden’s direction when he offered to get them all drinks. Mateo hovered nearby, but he was speaking to a leggy blonde who had no business being in a small town like this one.
Sophia dug her elbow into Aria’s side. “Okay, so spill. What is it with that guy?”
It had been almost two weeks and Aria had only continued to become a shell of herself. She could feel herself dying a little inside with each passing day. But there wasn’t any plan she could come up with to get out of this mess.
Sophia had clearly noticed. The meaning behind her question was more than apparent. She nudged Aria again. “Seriously. I mean, he’s attractive… but he’s… I’m sorry, Aria. There’s something about him that rubs me the wrong way.”
Forcing a smile, Aria brushed off her cousin’s words. “He’s protective.”
Sophia raised a brow. “No. I’ve seen protective. And Cayden? That doesn’t describe him at all. He’s…” She thought for a moment, her finger tapping her chin before snapping at Aria. “Don’t hate me, but I feel like he’s a bit controlling. Are you sure you’re happy with him?” Her voice lowered as her eyes locked on Cayden as if she expected him to hear them having this conversation.
Aria nodded, but the lump in her throat prevented her from saying anything.
Sophia’s shrewd gaze shifted to Aria, and she stared at her hard. “You don’t look happy.”
Tears pricked at the back of Aria’s eyes.
No, she wasn’t happy. She was trapped. But the sacrifice was worth it so long as her family and friends were going to be taken care of.
Before Sophia could push any further, Cayden returned, his hands full of drinks.
“I need some air,” Aria rasped, darting toward the exit. If she had to stay there with Sophia staring at her like that, she would likely burst into full-blown tears.
She reached the balcony, her hands wrapping around the cold bar, stinging her fingers from the chill in the air. Leaning over the bar, she gulped in several deep breaths, relishing the burn. The cold nipped at her flushed skin, cooling the heat of the tears that threatened to escape.
She jumped. No.
No, no, no.
He wasn’t supposed to be here. She didn’t have the strength to face him.
“Look at me, please,” he said.
Aria shook her head, her hands tightening around the bar once more as she shut her eyes tight. “You need to leave me alone.”
“I can’t do that,” Daniel ground out, moving closer. His irritation bit into her, making her flinch. She wasn’t scared. He’d never hurt her. But knowing she’d caused him enough grief to hear it in his voice was enough to push her over the edge.
“If you knew what was good for you—” she started, but he cut her off when he grasped her wrist and forced her to face him. Her eyes locked with his as if against her will. She felt like she might crumble into ashes from the heat of his stare.
His brows dipped low as his attention swept over her face. “What has he done to you?”
She shut her eyes, and his warm touch brushed at her cheek.
“Aria, talk to me.”