The competition to win a full-ride scholarship to Cornell required an essay. Aria frowned at the submission instructions. There was no way she’d be able to get Daniel to write one if he was still adamant about not submitting a drawing.
In all the years she’d been alive, she’d never heard of such a program. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him and it was grating on her that he wasn’t willing to see it for what it was.
Why couldn’t he simply listen to her and apply for the scholarship? If he didn’t get it, then he wouldn’t lose anything. But if he did? The doors would open for him. She’d been to college. She knew he’d be able to manage working while going to school. He might even be able to convince the admissions office that he needed to take online courses.
Aria rubbed her eyes with her fingertips and groaned. Right about now, she wasn’t entirely against writing the essay for him.She’d gotten a lot of information from him about the reasons this scholarship would make a difference in his life. He would be one of the older students enrolled, but that might be a point in his favor.
Anyone reading through the essays would see how much Daniel stood out. His background with his family was only one of the big issues she would be able to throw in. He had a terrible childhood. He was self-taught. And his views on the simple beauty of architecture had to tip the scales in his favor.
She pulled her hands from her face and gnawed on her lower lip. She’d written enough freelance articles that she knew she’d be able to make this essay shine. The only problem was the fact that Daniel might get mad at her for going over his head.
Would he hate her for it?
What if he never found out? If he didn’t win, then there was no reason for him to get contacted by the college at all.
A slow smile stretched across her face and her heart thrummed with the need to do something for him—a gift that he would find valuable. He’d done more than he even knew by simply accepting her for who she was and letting her cry on his shoulder.
She clicked through the application process. The deadline was tonight at midnight. The people in charge of going through the applications had a week. Apparently, they weren’t worried about having too many applications. One week. That was all the time she would have to wait to find out if he won.
The surge of excitement in her chest only continued to grow. She could do this.
They could do this.
Daniel could win. And if he did, he could choose whether or not he wanted to accept the prize. No one would force him.
Maybe it was all the excuses she was making to herself, but the more time she thought about it, the more she knew that this was the best thing to do for him.
She placed her hands on the keyboard and started drafting the essay portion for the application. Aria was almost done when her phone dinged. She picked up the device absentmindedly and clicked on the message.
Her blood ran cold.
Unknown:You don’t know how long it took me to track down your number, baby.
Though she hadn’t savedhis number in her phone, she knew immediately who it was. Why had she thought that changing her phone number would be enough when she moved out of state? Cayden had connections. He was manipulative. Aria should have known that her freedom from the man wouldn’t last.
He’d sent her several emails, but she’d gotten used to deleting them without opening them. She couldn’t understand why this message set her teeth on edge. It was only a message. He didn’t know where she’d moved to—though it wouldn’t be hard for him to figure it out since he’d figured out her number.
She shoved her phone away from her.
Just like that, her happy mood evaporated and she was no longer in that light and airy bubble. All it took was one text and now her heart felt like it could crumble. Now that he’d found a way to contact her, she knew he wouldn’t stop. The best thing she could do was ignore it.
Aria shut off her phone and completed the application process. Cayden might keep trying to contact her, but he wouldn’t get any satisfaction from it if she had anything to do with it. She wouldn’t respond. She wouldn’t give him anything.Right now, she had Daniel and would focus on the happiness that he brought her.
Aria squeezedthe reins of her horse tighter, letting the rope dig into the flesh of her palms. It would leave a mark with how hard she held it, but it was better than the sick feeling in her gut from the messages she’d been getting from Cayden.
Only a couple more days and she’d find out if Daniel won—or at least went to the second round. Was there a second round? She couldn’t remember. Oh no! What if the university required another submission.
She wasn’t prepared for that. She’d need another drawing. And if Daniel wasn’t keen on giving her a second, what would happen then?
“You… okay?” Daniel’s soft voice ripped her from her thoughts and she jumped as if he’d been able to read them.
There was no fighting the surge of heat that licked up the back of her neck and coursed beneath her skin.
The wry smile that touched his lips did nothing to ease the tension in her limbs. “Yeah,” she muttered. “Fine.”
“Really? Because you’ve been in a mood since you showed up for our ride.”
She rolled her eyes, but she knew exactly what he was talking about. Right before she showed up, Cayden had sent a message. It wasn’t exactly a threat, but he’d signed off after about three messages, telling her he’d be seeing her soon.