
He paused, but only for a moment. “You should clean up. Get some rest.” Daniel said it without looking at her. He couldn’t bear the faux sympathy she might be demonstrating.

“I wasn’t the one who got hurt.”

His voice was rough and held no room for argument. “Trauma is trauma. Emotional, physical, mental, it hits us the same in here.” He turned and tapped his temple. Regret instantly washed over him when he met her gaze. She was sad—for him. His jaw tightened. Hopefully she’d finally get the hint and keep her distance. There was a reason he kept people at arm’s length.

Maybe he was ashamed.

Daniel turned from her and led the horses away.

A growl slippedfrom his lips as he shoved a finger through the gaping hole in his favorite shirt. It was worn, but it had held up to his constant use. Now he’d have to throw it out. Frustration rumbled through his chest, and he balled up the offensive garment before throwing it across the room.

Daniel crouched over and dug his hands into his hair before surging to his feet and pacing through the small space. A fire crackled quietly in the hearth, but it did nothing to chase away the cold feeling that had started to grow the second he’d seen the look on Aria’s face.

It shouldn’t matter. He’d wanted to keep his distance. At least, that’s what he needed to tell himself if only to get her out of his head.

He’d been wrong.

The second he’d learned of her own past experiences with abuse, he’d felt a connection with her. They’d both dealt with feeling weak. They’d both had to claw themselves out of a desperate situation.

They were the same.

Daniel growled out a fresh sound of frustration. They’d seen each other’s scars—figuratively and literally. Was that why her reaction had bothered him so much? They’d shifted their friendship into something more intimate—something he hadn’t thought he’d ever wanted to share with another person.

He’d been alone for so long. Quietly letting his life move forward without anyone else. Lonely. Perhaps it was time to finally take control of his life like he had when he’d finally stood up to those bullies.

But that had gotten him into trouble.

He’d spent more than one night at the sheriff’s station, tight-lipped beside a bloody and bruised assailant. The unwanted attention he’d drawn to his family had been threat enough for him to set aside his fists and become the looming threat rather than being carted off to prison.

Daniel stopped his pacing and stared at his hands, flexing them. He’d nearly forgotten how close he’d come to getting his siblings split up and put in the foster system. Wade had to come pick him up from county too many times.

Their quiet conversation about protecting their family meant doing things that weren’t inherently violent. It meant keeping their heads down.

So he did.

Daniel wouldn’t be returning to that life. He wouldn’t become violent, but he could fight for what he wanted.

And he wanted Aria.

A knock startled him from his thoughts and his head snapped toward the door. With cautious steps, he crossed the space. His hand hovered over the knob. There wasn’t a question in his mind who was standing on the other side of that doorway. Aria had brought him dinner.

The only question he had was whether she’d be staying.

He wanted her to.

More than anything he wanted her to stay and pretend that nothing had happened.

And if she questioned him about those scars? About the fights he’d been in when he was a hothead?

Would he be able to give her the full truth?

Daniel drew in a deep breath and turned the knob. Aria breezed past him into the kitchen, a cardboard box in one hand and a shopping bag in the other. He stood frozen by the door, watching her with hooded eyes as she flipped open the box before crossing over to a cupboard to get a plate.

Her eyes flicked toward him, then shifted to the door. “You’re letting in all the cold air.”

He followed her focus and gently pushed the door shut before leaning against it. “I didn’t think you’d come.”