Daniel stiffened but forced himself to remain calm.
Cayden’s eyes drilled into him. “She wouldn’t keep something from someone she loves.”
That statement struck a nerve in Daniel and he surged to his feet, fists ready and seeing red.
Mateo was faster, jumping between them. “What did I say? If you can’t control yourself, then go back out to the truck. We could get in trouble for doing this and it’s got to be done right. You’re not going to be able to help her from jail.”
Daniel’s seething gaze never left Cayden’s amused one. “I’d rather be put in prison for the rest of my life than let him hurt her. He’s the reason she’s not acting like herself. He’s the reason she’s miserable.” They’d gone off script, but he couldn’t help it. Mateo was probably right. He should have stayed in the truck.
A deep, obstinate chuckle filled the air, drawing the attention of them both. Cayden shook his head, then clapped a few times. “Bravo. Here to play good cop, bad cop? You think you can confront me and… what? Ask me to leave? It’s not going to be so easy. There’s nothing you can do to touch me. I’ve got all the money and connections in the world. Nothing is going to stop me from getting what I want. And I want her.”
Daniel pushed past Mateo, getting in Cayden’s face. “So… what? You’re going to blackmail her? Threaten the people she loves until she submits to you? What happens when you’ve drained that part of her that actually cares? What happens whenshe’s finally broken? Do you think you can keep her under your thumb forever?”
Cayden didn’t react to their closeness. He seemed completely unbothered by it. “I’ve always been good about gaining power. You can’t get anywhere in life without it, you know. To have the ability to coerce someone into doing something so completely against their nature… that’s real power. So what if I use her family against her? Love is a weakness, and I’m more than happy to exploit it.” He laughed. “Imagine my joy when I realized I could make her do whatever I wanted simply because I was on the board who picked you for that Cornell scholarship. That right there cinched the whole plan.”
Daniel glanced over his shoulder to see the surprise he felt written all over Mateo’s face. “You think that’s enough?”
“It’s gonna have to be,” Mateo said.
Cayden had the intelligence to look confused and perhaps a little concerned. His eyes darted from one to the other and he sneered. “What are you guys going on about?”
Mateo held up his phone and wiggled it. “For someone who thinks they’re so smart, you certainly run your mouth a lot when you really shouldn’t.”
Cayden’s eyes zeroed in on the phone, likely connecting the dots. “You recorded me without my knowledge? That’s illegal?—”
“Ah, ah, ah.” Daniel wagged a finger at him. Then he motioned between Mateo and Cayden. “Pot, meet kettle.” He poked Cayden in the chest. “Black isn’t a good color on you.” It was his turn to smirk. “I wonder how your company would react if we brought this little stunt of yours to their attention?”
Mateo moved around Daniel. “Even better… what do you think the people over at the university will do when they discover they have a snake in the grass as part of their esteemed alumni?”
Daniel tilted his head as he stared hard at the man before them. “You’re looking a little green there, buddy. Need to sit down?”
He moistened his lips nervously, his eyes darting to the phone. “What do you want?”
Daniel was fully prepared to turn over the recording no matter what, but Mateo had reminded him that would destroy their leverage. What would stop Cayden from coming back? It didn’t feel right. The guy deserved to rot for what he’d attempted to do. But Daniel wasn’t willing to risk Aria for one more second. He glowered at the sniveling excuse of a man. “You’re going to leave, and never come back. You’re going to stay far, far away from Aria and her family. If I hear a whisper that you’re sniffing around, that recording will go viral.”
Cayden’s dark eyes made him almost look inhuman. He sneered once again, then huffed. “You’re going to be sorry you did this.”
Daniel shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not.” He turned to Mateo. “Come on. Let’s get out of here. Cayden needs to pack.”
Aria groaned, rolling over in her bed. The light coming into her room was too bright. She’d slept in too long. What time was it? She pressed the heels of her hands to her eyes and groaned again.
Cayden hadn’t called her yet, which was unusual. Sophia had left her alone, too. She hadn’t heard from Daniel. It was like she’d gone back in time to the days before Daniel showed up to help out at the ranch.
Flinging out her arm, she attempted to find her phone where it sat on the side table. She inadvertently knocked it to the floor, wincing at the sound as it echoed off the wall. Then she scooted to the edge of the bed and peered at it on the floor. It took a moment, but she managed to reach it.
Sitting up in bed, she frowned when she saw the notification. She hadn’t gotten a message from Cayden, but she had gotten an email.
She read it once, then again, before she exhaled a heavy breath. Her chest relaxed for what felt like the first time in days. The email was short and all business. Cayden was leaving. He didn’t like it here and had zero interest in fighting her to move.
That didn’t sound like the Cayden she knew at all. He loved controlling her. Every opportunity that presented itself was one he took full advantage of.
But the email came from him. They were his words. Who was she to look a gift horse in the mouth?